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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2002

    Basic Instinct 3

    From IMDB:

    "Sharon Stone will direct Basic Instinct 3 in Britain, the actress has revealed. The blonde star is keen to continue the franchise - following her return as Catherine Tramell in the recently released sequel - but wants to step behind the camera next time around. Stone, 48, says, "There's a script for the next part of the story - but I would like to direct it rather than star in it. "It will be filmed in the UK again as the setting is more intense and gritty."
    The World is waiting for this. Great Idea.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    It's not true, it can't be. Has to be an April Fool's Joke.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Iowa City, IA
    Yeah, right. No one will give her money, now!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    South-West England
    Quote Originally Posted by WorkShed
    Yeah, right. No one will give her money, now!
    Except the British Lottery. Because they're idiots.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    NYC, USA
    Who cares, just more porn for us. Go ahead just do it. lol

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Ottawa, ON - Canada
    Any chance of this happening likely tanked last weekend.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Prague, Czech Republic
    Quote Originally Posted by Jake
    Who cares, just more porn for us. Go ahead just do it. lol
    oh, If it would be porn, than ok, but that movie is just sh...t full of stupid I wish it to be....
    Me angry! Where´s my food!

    My DVD Collection, My Blu-ray collection

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Mel, AU
    Quote Originally Posted by st39.6
    oh, If it would be porn, than ok, but that movie is just sh...t full of stupid I wish it to be....

    Oh Sharon hasn't learnt.

    Basic Instinct is now turning into Psycho. Only difference is that Psycho II is at least a watchable good film, even pale to the original. BI2 sucks and blows, and not sucking and blowing the way I hoped to be.

    It's just buzz, like the Jinx spin-off from the Bond franchise or The Hobbits.

    Quote Originally Posted by Matt
    Except the British Lottery. Because they're idiots.
    I don't know - they're not giving you any money. (j/k)

    "The idea was to be a symbol. editman could be anybody, that was the point."

    Trolls destroyed the Forum

    my DVD/blu-ray List

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Moved from Minas Tirith!!! Direction of my new path is not so clear, but I think I'm on the way to MY SHIRE
    Quote Originally Posted by editman
    or The Hobbits
    The Hobbit ?

  10. #10
    j7wild Guest
    I think Sharon needs to get her head out of the hole in the ground and read some of the reviews about Basic Instinct 2; if she even knows how to read!!

    "If you're trying to reinvigorate the art of the stylish thriller, the movie you come up with needs to be stylish and it needs to be thrilling. Basic Instinct 2, written by Leora Barish and Henry Bean and directed by Michael Caton-Jones, is neither."

    -- Stephanie Zacharek, SLATE

    "For many people, the only reason to see Basic Instinct 2 is to find out if Stone uncrosses her legs again. She doesn’t."

    -- Jeffrey Westhoff, NORTHWEST HERALD (CRYSTAL LAKE, IL)

    "Instead of moving like an enchanting vision of lust, Stone stomps through every scene with the subtlety of a Clydesdale, and her hair looks like it was stolen off a Raggedy Ann doll"

    -- Willie Waffle, WAFFLEMOVIES.COM

    "Basic Instinct 2 is basically the same movie as its predecessor. Only there's no Michael Douglas. And the setting has changed from the United States to Europe."


    "Basic Instinct 2 would be a magnificent exercise in transcendental camp... were it not for the pleading, deluded look behind its leading lady's ice-blue eyes."


    "There's nothing erotic or thrilling in this supposed erotic thriller, just a lot of talky filler that leads absolutely nowhere."

    -- Joshua Tyler, CINEMABLEND.COM

    "Usually when you want a movie to be so bad it's funny, you can count on someone connected to the Basic Instinct franchise. Alas, they have let even their extremely forgiving audience down."

    -- Fred Topel, ABOUT.COM

    "There's simple trash and enjoyable trash; this movie wants to be the latter, but alas it falls into the first category."

    -- Frank Swietek, ONE GUY'S OPINION

    "An utterly hilarious piece of camp trash that elicited more laughs from me than 'She's the Man,' 'Larry the Cable Guy' and 'Date Movie' combined."

    -- Eric D. Snider, ERICDSNIDER.COM

    "Numbingly dull when it isn't unintentionally laugh-out-loud funny, this pitiful sequel has almost none of the cheesy/sleazy appeal of the 1992 blockbuster. Michael Douglas stayed away, and so should you."

    -- James Sanford, KALAMAZOO GAZETTE

    "The rest of the film may be murky and dull, but physically, it's hard to take your eyes off Stone. She's absolutely stunning. "

    -- Diana Saenger, REELTALK MOVIE REVIEWS

    "Few expected Basic Instinct 2 to be very good, but no one expected it to be this boring."

    -- Rene Rodriguez, MIAMI HERALD

    "In this erotic-free film, as the dead bodies pile up, nothing is more dead than the movie itself."

    -- Steve Rhodes, INTERNET REVIEWS

    "It's been 14 years since the original Basic Instinct, and time -- and the miracles of beauty technology -- have been kind to Stone. Not much else about this movie holds up."


    "A cause for temporary erectile dysfunction."

    -- Dustin Putman, THEMOVIEBOY.COM

    "...a relentlessly cheesy, over-the-top sexual thriller that has all the provocative luster of an inner thigh rash...[a] botched, stillborn psychological fable."

    -- Frank Ochieng, THEWORLDJOURNAL.COM

    "Embarrassment, thy name is Basic Instinct 2."

    -- Sean O'Connell, CHARLOTTE WEEKLY

    "Basic Instinct 2 is an obvious attempt to revive a stalled acting career."

    -- Randy Myers, CONTRA COSTA TIMES

    "Going to go down in history as not only one of the worst sequels of all time, but also one of the worst films of all time. Come video, it may just have an 'Alan Smithee' credit festooned to its title sequence."

    -- Clint Morris, MOVIEHOLE

    "If you’ve seen the trailer, you’ve seen ALL the sex; actually, you’ve even seen more than is actually in the film. A threesome in the trailer is non-existent in the final cut."

    -- Susan Michals, FILMSTEW.COM

    "simply isn't bad enough to be any good"

    -- Joel Meares, FILMCRITIC.COM

    "Despite all the heavy breathing and mood lighting, Basic Instinct 2 is so dull that you might find yourself easily distracted by side issues."

    -- Moira MacDonald, SEATTLE TIMES

    "This movie rocks ... by boldly embracing the preposterousness at the core of its story right away, and then moving on to more important things like ultra-nasty sex [and] hyper-lurid dialogue."

    -- Kurt Loder, MTV

    "In pretty short order, the entire film goes off course and sinks, taking its lead actress with it."


    "It's the sort of movie some people call a guilty pleasure, although I don't see any reason to feel guilty about a movie that is so much fun."

    -- Chris Hewitt (St. Paul), ST. PAUL PIONEER PRESS

    "Stone doesn't so much enter and leave the film of her own volition so much as she's carted on and off like Hannibal Lecter, the difference being that she'd rather sit on your face than bite it off."

    -- Ed Gonzalez, SLANT MAGAZINE

    "It's as if Stone's vagina stormed off the set in the first week of shooting and hid out in its trailer until the wrap party."

    -- Jeremy C. Fox, PAJIBA

    "Shaped by basic commercial instincts, with at least 17 distributors lined up to carve the yum pie in global release, this heavy-breather may prove Stone's last hurrah."

    -- David Elliott, SAN DIEGO UNION-TRIBUNE

    "Another low in Hollywood's descent into virtual flesh-peddling ... Stone proves that she's still basically a "star" only to the extent that she strips."

    -- Thomas Delapa, BOULDER WEEKLY

    "Leaves you bored, bothered and bewildered"

    -- Jackie K. Cooper, JACKIEKCOOPER.COM

    "Basic Instinct created a disingenuous ego monster who has hypocritically disowned the very thing which made her a household name to begin with and yet here's a sequel that nobody but her was waiting to get made."

    -- Erik Childress, EFILMCRITIC.COM

    "Sure, the old broad looks pretty good in the film, but who wouldn't with fake boobs and a lacquer finish of make-up an inch thick?"

    -- Kevin Carr, 7M PICTURES

    "Basic Instinct 2 is trashy and stupid, and not really in a fun sort of way."

    -- Liz Braun, JAM! MOVIES

    "Not without a lingering element of guilty pleasure but ultimately just another walk in the park for the mad dame Catherine."

    -- Jeanne Aufmuth, PALO ALTO WEEKLY

    "Campy melodrama fails to hold any interest 14 years later."


    -- "The movie is very campy, but strangely, not very much fun."


    "Spatting one-liners and sucking on cigarettes, the vampy, campy Sharon Stone does Bette Davis proud in this reasonably fun but ultimately empty suspense/thriller. Proceed at your own risk!"

    -- Staci Layne Wilson, ABOUT.COM

    "It doesn't know whether it wants to be a Skin-e-max soft core porno or an episode of a primetime cop drama. It's unfulfilling as neither and ends up as an awful hybrid: we'll call it CSI: Cleavageville. I take that back: CSI: Faux Cleavageville."

    -- Mike Ward, RICHMOND.COM

    "Could be a career-killer of the most combustible variety."

    -- Phil Villarreal, ARIZONA DAILY STAR

    "The question on everyone's mind is 'Does she look good at age 48?' Oh yeah...make no mistake, she does."

    -- John Venable, SUPERCALA.COM

    "The signposts signalling the film's raunchy direction are clear, and Stone (looking fabulously sultry in true Hollywood style) slips in and out of her clothes with disarming fervour ... sequel tries to turn up the heat, but never reaches boiling point. "

    -- Urban Cinefile Critics, URBAN CINEFILE

    "Praising her [Stone] for flaunting herself is like applauding George Foreman for climbing into another ring or TV commercial whenever someone holds out a paycheck."

    -- Lawrence Toppman, CHARLOTTE OBSERVER

    "Stone delivers her lines with slinky grace, but there’s no helping out a plot with as many doggedly transparent twists as this one."

    -- Ella Taylor, L.A. WEEKLY

    "While there was little doubt that the sequel would be the awful movie that it is, BI2 compounds the injury by, basically, taking forever to get to what little good, lurid stuff anyone coming to the movie wants to see."

    -- Bob Strauss, LOS ANGELES DAILY NEWS

  11. #11
    j7wild Guest
    "The film's hilarious intended subtitle, Risk Addiction, sadly didn't make it to the release stage, but there are still enough variations of it in the final shooting script to make for a fun drinking game when you rent the DVD three weeks from now."

    -- Steve Schneider, ORLANDO WEEKLY

    "Other than its deliriously trashy intro and a loopy twist ending that questions reality itself, Basic Instinct 2 is way too restrained in every sense."

    -- Mike Russell, OREGONIAN

    "Sharon still maintains she never knew her 'V' was being photographed in the original Basic Instinct. 'I figured the hair and makeup team between my legs was just a perk.'"

    -- Mark Ramsey, MOVIEJUICE!

    "When Stone tries to titillate Morrissey with bawdy banter, she sounds less like a seductive femme fatale pulling a patsy deeper into her web than like a bratty adolescent trying to shock authority figures with references to blowjobs and orgasms."

    -- Nathan Rabin, ONION AV CLUB

    "Basic Instinct 2 isn't quite the spurting geyser of sexual excess that the original was, but it has a sense of reservation and a rather graceful desire for worth that makes it an acceptable distraction."

    -- Brian Orndorf, EFILMCRITIC.COM

    "Basic Instinct 2 is something the original never was -- boring...An obvious front-runner for the 2006 Razzies and Stinkers."

    -- Chuck O'Leary, FULVUEDRIVE-IN.COM

    "Stone's every line of dialogue, every gesture, every hussy lip smack screams 'I'm too sexy for this movie.' And it's often hilarious."


    "Trust your instincts. Listen to that little voice inside that whispers this sequel has 'bad idea' written all over it. "

    -- Rebecca Murray, ABOUT.COM

    "Of all the things Basic Instinct 2 threatened to be -- titillating, cheeky, outrageous -- who would have thought it would turn out boring?"

    -- Carla Meyer, SACRAMENTO BEE

    "Stone chews on the scenery, and a few co-stars, in a ferociously over-the-top performance that almost makes the silliness worthwhile."

    -- Sean Means, SALT LAKE TRIBUNE

    " To get to those shots of Stone's chest and thighs, however, the audience has to wait through a two-hour story that's so tedious that the audience may walk out before Stone eventually liberates herself from her clothing."

    -- Dan Lybarger, EFILMCRITIC.COM

    "The 14-year-behind-the-scenes story of making this sequel is far more interesting than anything that's onscreen, including Sharon Stone's nudity and sex in a rooftop jacuzzi."

    -- Emanuel Levy, EMANUELLEVY.COM

    "You may come out of the theater complaining how ridiculous it was, but you won't be bored."


    "The final score: Ice Picks 1, Crotch Shots, 0."


    "Stone is at it again in Basic Instinct 2, directed this time by Michael Caton-Jones. It's a considerably less successful film, being sold on the tasteless hope that maybe Stone will flash filmgoers once again."


    "The biggest problem with Basic Instinct 2 is that it's not the worst movie ever made. It's a shame; at least then, it would have some significance."


    "Basic Instinct 2 is never stupid, but it is insipid and lurid in all the ways you would expect it to be."


    "Ms. Stone's character is bad, but sexy. The movie wants to be sexy, but it's mostly just bad."

    -- Cherryl Dawson and Leigh Ann Palone, THEMOVIECHICKS.COM

    "Base. Ick. In stink."


    "You're just hoping for some good trashy fun... That's why it's such a surprise when the movie turns out to be just plain boring."

    -- Jeffrey Chen, WINDOW TO THE MOVIES

    "BI2 should have been a gloriously excessive collision between the lurid and the ludicrous."

    -- Robert W. Butler, KANSAS CITY STAR

    "If Paul Verhoeven's film was a potent if hard to swallow sex-and-blood pop cocktail, this London-set sequel is a cup of thin, tepid tea. "


    "In a better movie, this grand-dame performance might have been fun, but it's surrounded here by an impossibly dull and unsatisfying whodunit plot and unintentionally funny dialogue."


    "Okay, it's awful. But I liked it. Stone "acts" (if you want to call it that) with a campy sneer as Morrissey heroically carries the movie. Rampling is a goddess. "

    -- Victoria Alexander, FILMSINREVIEW.COM

    "Unenjoyable, unerotic, I daresay unwatchable."

    -- Todd Gilchrist, IGN FILMFORCE

    "The laughs to be had in this deliciously awful sequel are all unintentional. A bummer for film buffs, but a ball for fans of the misbegotten."

    -- Peter Travers, ROLLING STONE

    "What Basic Instinct 2 is missing, besides any of the trashy good fun of the original, is a subtitle. Here's a suggestion: A Girl's Guide to Dressing for Her Shrink."


    "At this point, there are inflatable toys that are livelier than Stone, but how can you tell the difference? Basic Instinct 2 is not an erotic thriller. It's taxidermy."

    -- Kyle Smith, NEW YORK POST

    "Basic Instinct 2 has a stylish look and a few sexy moments, but the plot goes from confusing to implausible to absolutely ludicrous in the final sequence."

    -- Richard Roeper, EBERT & ROEPER

    "Stone's purring, snarling, bedroom kink is embarrassing."


    "The 1992 phenomenon was creepy, tense and sexually charged in a bold yet tawdry way. This sequel lacks even a shred of those elements."

    -- Claudia Puig, USA TODAY

    "In Basic Instinct 2 the manufactured thrill is gone."

    -- Michael Phillips, CHICAGO TRIBUNE

    "Stone's performance is so deliriously over the top that it turns almost every line she speaks into high camp."

    -- Bruce Newman, SAN JOSE MERCURY NEWS

    "As with the first film, BI2 abounds with red herrings and misdirection, and comes up with an equally ambiguous Did she or didn't she? ending. But there are problems here beyond its staleness."

    -- Jack Mathews, NEW YORK DAILY NEWS

    "In the end, this is a movie that makes the original Basic Instinct look good. And in a way, that's quite a feat."

    -- Tom Long, DETROIT NEWS

    "The plot, already mired in nonsensical backstory, collapses with the late-inning introduction of a tired metafictional device (not to mention a wildly lunging Usual Suspects twist)."

    -- Dennis Lim, VILLAGE VOICE

    "The only real suspense in Basic Instinct 2 is whether Stone will or won't reprise the scene that she once absurdly claimed she was tricked into doing."

    -- Terry Lawson, DETROIT FREE PRESS

    "Basic Instinct 2 seems aimed at two audiences: men in raincoats in dark theaters and graduate students in film studies."

    -- Lisa Kennedy, DENVER POST

    "Where is the suspense part? There is no suspense part. Suspense demands clarity of motive and action, and this screenplay never provides it."

    -- Stephen Hunter, WASHINGTON POST

    "Even the ice pick looks like it really doesn't want to be there."

    -- Peter Howell, TORONTO STAR

    "The only real intrigue comes in the film's risky flirtation with high camp."

    -- Kirk Honeycutt, HOLLYWOOD REPORTER

    "Those hoping for either a sizzling -- or an unintentionally hilarious -- good time will be disappointed by this inexplicably dull sequel."

    -- Dennis Harvey, VARIETY

    "Here is a movie so outrageous and preposterous it is either (a) suicidal or (b) throbbing with a horrible fascination. I lean toward (b)."

    -- Roger Ebert, CHICAGO SUN-TIMES

    "Most sequels are unnecessary, and this one does nothing to break the pattern."

    "Trust your basic instinct and avoid the worst sequel since Staying Alive."

    -- Scott Craven, ARIZONA REPUBLIC

    "Basic Instinct 2 is as dull as a blunt ice pick, watering down the original film's knockout cocktail of kinky sex and bloody murder into a timid, tepid thriller."


    "Dead serious and stone idiotic, the only basic instinct in evidence here is desperation."

    -- Carina Chocano, LOS ANGELES TIMES

    "Basic Instinct 2, for all its implausible plot devices, poverty of motivation, occasionally lethargic pace and fragrant dialogue, is a subversive piece of cinema."

    -- John Anderson, NEWSDAY

    "Alas, the trashy fun doesn't last. Basic Instinct 2 is trash all the way through, no doubt, but it's not much fun."

    -- Kevin N. Laforest, MONTREAL FILM JOURNAL

    "Sordid and ludicrous, it's a steamy stink-bomb!"

    -- Susan Granger, MODAMAG.COM

    "If your own basic instinct is to avoid this movie, then you probably should go with that."

    -- Edward Douglas, COMINGSOON.NET

    "['Basic Instinct 2'] has to hold the record for the most times the 'f' word has been used, not as an expletive, but as an action verb."


    "Stone's vampy, thumb-on-the-turntable performance is the most hideous bit of creaky past-prime tarting-about since Mae West was dropping the same dusty come-ons."

    -- Walter Chaw, FILM FREAK CENTRAL

    "Stone is simply awful, replacing the sexy insouciance from the first film with a beady stare that would seem more appropriate coming from a dead codfish than a calculating nympho adept at playing twisted mind games."

    -- Matt Brunson, CREATIVE LOAFING

    "But this time around, Stone portrays Catherine Tramell more like a desperate old floozy than a take-no-prisoners man-eater, and there's no doubt she's the evil one -- which takes almost all the fun out of it."

    -- E! ONLINE

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Skopje, Macedonia
    Well, looks like I'll go and see Aeon Flux tomorrow, instead of BI 2. So many people can't be wrong.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    NYC, USA
    You guys have not seen the deleted NC-17 scenes, right? Try bittorrent, her "acting" was superb.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Mel, AU
    Quote Originally Posted by Jake
    You guys have not seen the deleted NC-17 scenes, right? Try bittorrent.
    Way ahead of you (and no BT required too).

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    NYC, USA
    Good job I was only aware of 4 of them, gotta love Sharon! hehe, thanks

    maybe in 3 she can do a feature lenght scene, after all most porn tries to have a plot....kinda like her movies.

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