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  1. #1
    j7wild Guest

    Thumbs up Inside Deep Throat

    I just watched the DVD movie (you can find it at Hollywood Video [R version] and Blockbuster [NC-17 version with the actual final sex scene from the movie) named

    Inside Deep Throat

    It was quite educational and this is what I learned from it:

    1. Linda Lovelace turned against the Adult Film Industry and died peniless;

    2. Harry Reems, the actor in Deep Throat was prosecuted and found guilty for appearing in the movie in 1975 by Federal Prosecutor Larry Parrish but his conviction was then overturned by the Supreme Court in 1976.

    Actress Linda Lovelace and Director Gerard Damiano were never prosecuted for starring in and directing Deep Throat;

    3. Larry Parrish is now retired and in an interview he made in the movie, he said "all these terrorists should go away and stop taking so much time of the Department of Justice so we can go back to the business of prosecuting Pornographers'"

    WHAT A ****ING MORON!!

    4. Deep Throat changed the Adult Film Industry from the Trenchcoat days to what it is today;

    5. Gerard Damiano, the director of Deep Throat and the later Devil in Miss Jones never made any money from any of his adult films;

    6. Adult Films back then were financed by the Mafia and Theater Owners risked death if they didn't give 50% of their daily income to the Mobsters we came around to collect

    7. Many Adult Films in the 70s were shot on real movie studios like Paramount and Warner Bros because at the time, the so called "Pornographers" were considered film-makers like everyone else

    8. Several of today's famous Hollywood directors like Wes Craven (Scream and Nightmare on Elm Street series, Red Eye, the Hills Have Eyes) and John Water started their career in the Adult film industry of the 70s.

    9. Director Gerard Damiano said the reason he cut the final sex scene together with images of fireworks and an Apollo Rocket Launch is that he wanted to show that sex could also be pleasurable for women.

    This same message caused the film to attract a large female audience at the New York theaters at a time, including members of New York's Elite High Society and former First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy.

    10. Deep Throat is still the most profitable Adult Film ever made; filmed in 6 days for $25,000, it grossed over $600 million dollars (and that's only the money that were accounted for)

    I want to be a "Pornographer" too!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    NYC, USA
    haha, I thought you were talking about the White House secret informant, there's a movie about that "Deep Throat" too.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Mel, AU
    I watched that doco too (in fact I imported the DVD before it came out in cinemas here). Pretty in-depth.

    I don't know if watching the actual 'Deep Thorat' movie prior to watching the doco helps, but it certainly helped me understand what all the fuss was about (cos essentially Deep Throat is pretty cheesy itself by today's standard).

    Be sure to check out the extra footages on the DVD as well. The footage with LL's daughter is almost heartbreaking.

    Actually, if you watched the doco and the extras, you'd realise that Linda Lovelace spoke up against Deep Throat (and the Adult Film Industry) because either she was influenced by some feminist friends, or she needed money and/or attention at the time after her fame waned so she cooked up the story of being forced to film Deep Throat in her autobiography, or both. At the end, before she died, she was doing nude photos for adult magazines again.

    But no, you don't wanna be a Pornographer today. It used to be a stepping stone to the real movie-making industry (that is if you knew how to advance yourself in the industry). Nowadays it only means you'll be shooting plotless f***kings on crappy DV. You'll go numb if you have to do it for life.

    "The idea was to be a symbol. editman could be anybody, that was the point."

    Trolls destroyed the Forum

    my DVD/blu-ray List

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