I agree with that you can't lump movies like Legally Blonde and Tomb Raider into the same group. These two films are from to different genres. Legally Blonde reminds me more of the Alicia Silverstone film Clueless with all its "like, OMG! its like so cute and pink!" nonsence and where Tomb Raider is more related to something like Resident Evil: Apocalypse or Aliens with its strong take no crap from anyone, shot first, get dirty and still look sexy while doing it female lead. But like I said I agree with what st39.6 said. The 2 films are on opposite ends of the pole where Legally Blonde is presented to be a cute, fun film where in the end everyone has a collective "aw..." and the handing out of hugs and puppies commences which makes it truely in essance a "chick flick" and something that women would love to see where as Tomb Raider is more of an action movie designed primarily to put male butts in seats as well as fans of the game series while offering a strong female role model for girls and/or women who are unfimilar with anything outside the movie's continuity. There is anothing thing you have to look at as well is the casting of the film in the lead role. In Legally Blonde they needed someone who could be upbeat and perky and pull of that sorority girl image. Acording to IMDB To prepare for her role as Elle, Reese Witherspoon spent two weeks studying the behavior of sorority girls, as she did not wish to portray a stereotypical airhead sorority image. She states on the DVD commentary that they were all very kind and polite, and she enjoyed her time with them. That being said Reese Witherspoon in effect had to create the character of "Elle Woods" how she would talk, walk and react to various things but when you come to something like Tomb Raider where the character is so fimilar to everyone and everything about the character is so defined that it is basically already done and they would just have to find someone who embodied that. Also in the original concept for Tomb Raider the character of Lara started out as a man but was changed to a female in order to reduce similarities with Indiana Jones so what does that tell you. But like I said in the end I agree with basically what st39.6 said although I wouldn't say Lara in Tomb Raider is a bitch I think she is more along the lines of being sassy.