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  1. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Greenfield, IN (near Indianapolis), USA
    I liked Superman Returns, but it lacks a "celebration" scene at the end. You want a movie like Superman Returns to end on a "stand up and cheer" moment, but it kinda leaves you with a "warm and fuzzy" feeling, which is something of a let down. Consequently, I don't think it will do much return business, although I will be buying it as soon as it comes out on DVD.

    Otherwise, I thought it was a very good movie, and very enjoyable. It just needed a little punch at the end.
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  2. #17
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    I agree with the reviews above that say this is a good, but definitely not great movie. Worth the price of admission, but no interest in seeing it again. It was entertaining enough so the 2.5 hours doesn't seem long, but not enough to leave me eager to see it again.

    With what it has done in its first 3 days(approx. $48 mil.) at the box office, I think it might break the $200 mil. for its box office total, but I don't think it will over take X-Men 3's box office total.


  3. #18
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    Feb 2003
    I just returned from seeing it (no pun intended) and I though it was a very good movie myself and didn't really have any problems with it other then the little kid part but it seemed to be used well in the overall story. Also one other thing I wish they did was instead of using that text on the screen to quickly fill in everyone on what was going on I would have liked to have seen the entire Krypton scene that Singer had cut from the movie rather then the white text. but other then that I can't really complain it was a very good movie and I'll probably go back and see it again.

  4. #19
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    NC, USA
    I'm going to have to also say "good but not great". It was ok, a bit long, but something I think the family will enjoy. It just didn't have that thing that the other superhero movies had that just WOWed me. Meh, I say go see it if you haven't yet.

  5. #20
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    Daly City, CA
    I thought it was a fun movie. No great moving experience, but certainly worth my time. Kevin Spacey did a good job as Lex, though it seemed to me that everyone else (the main characters) were a little too young.

    I also didn't like the fact that Superman was like 1 meter away from tons of Kryptonite while lifting the island. He shouldn't have been able to fly at all.

    Plus, if you noticed, they stole the hospital scene from Death and Return of Superman. I guess there won't be any Superman vs Doomsday movie in the future.
    If you can stay calm, while all around you is chaos...then you probably haven't completely understood the seriousness of the situation.

  6. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by wirm
    I also didn't like the fact that Superman was like 1 meter away from tons of Kryptonite while lifting the island. He shouldn't have been able to fly at all.
    I was always under the impression that Superman got his powers from Earth's yellow sun. Notice he flew up above the clouds for a bit before he did his island lift?

    I assumed that he was powered up enough to withstand the Kyrptonite for a BIT...but it still hurt him. Like if you keep running at full speed even after you're exausted, your legs are eventually gonna give out. So he pushed himself past his limit.

  7. #22
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    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Marcus
    I was always under the impression that Superman got his powers from Earth's yellow sun. Notice he flew up above the clouds for a bit before he did his island lift?

    I assumed that he was powered up enough to withstand the Kyrptonite for a BIT...but it still hurt him. Like if you keep running at full speed even after you're exausted, your legs are eventually gonna give out. So he pushed himself past his limit.
    That is true Superman dos get his power from oure Yellow sun.. and that dos explain the Kryptonite island lifting thing... but it dos open up a totaly new plot hole.. how did he travel to Krypton and back? the longer he got away from earth and oure sun then weeker he would get.. and when far enough away he would loose his powers and die in space...

    She's just too pretty for Hollywood. I don't know, put her in a glass box and display her at the Metropolitan Museum of Art or something. - Jake on the topic of Scarlett Johansson.

  8. #23
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    Ontario, Canada
    yeah I was wondering about that too. I'm sure there's an expanation for it, but I'm not into the comics enough to know what it is. Maybe he got REALLY charged? Maybe he flew INTO the sun

    Someone should know. Do other yellow stars work the same way?

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Greenfield, IN (near Indianapolis), USA
    I don't quite understand the timeline.

    In Superman: The Movie (and again in Superman Returns), Jor-El says that by the time Kal-El sees this message, "I will have been dead for many thousands of your Earth years." That would imply that Clark was affected by the theory of relativity when he was travelling from Krypton to Earth as a baby.

    And yet, he is able to travel to and from Krypton in just five years.

    Something doesn't add up.

  10. #25
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    Feb 2003

    Talking I know...

    Quote Originally Posted by Marcus
    I'm sure there's an expanation for it, Someone should know.

    You got Superman related questions, I have the Superman answers.

    How earths yellow sun effects Superman's powers:

    Superman as we know is like a rechargeable battery or a "solar conductor" as many say so look at it like this Superman is around the yellow sun of earth all day long and has been for mostly his entire life so over his life he has built up vast power reserves which he of course doesn't use all the time he mostly uses his "currently available power" which in a sense is a different thing from the reserves it is basically what he "runs on" or uses day to day. think of it like this in almost banking terms the "reserves" is like a large sum of money and the day to day stuff is like the interest on the large sum of money. so every time he uses his heat vision to blow out the tire of a get away car, lifts something like the back end of a car or just flies a short distance he would use up that "interest" now being that he is in the sun every day the interest rarely runs out. Now the more he does the more he uses up his powers. say if he has a busy day stopping volcanoes, earthquakes, bank robberies, runaway train and what not he would eat through the "interest" quickly and then start eating at the "reserves" that is how a being like Doomsday was able to defeat Superman in the comics the more energy he put into fighting Doomsday meant the more power he used up and Superman's "power gage" was going down faster then it was going up.

    Now the going away from earth's yellow sun and the "5 year" time line is quite simple to explain. In Superman Returns Superman tells Lois why he left and it was something like earth scientist though they found where Krypton was and he left to go where the scientists though it was. now traveling at light speed or maybe a little faster depending on how Kryptonian technology works it would have taken basically 2 and a half years to get to the spot and 2 and a half back to earth so 2.5 + 2.5 = 5 so there you go 5 years round trip. So when Jor-El said "I will have been dead for many thousands of your Earth years" it is still not false because remember Superman went to where they though Krypton was not to the actual spot. Also Krypton's days/Months/years are different then ours I can't remember if they are longer or shorter then earths but as a whole Superman's 5 year trip and Jor-El many thousands of years are still valid and not truly false now if memory serves me correctly where Krypton actually is (or was) fifty light-years from our solar system which is probably quite a distance and probably not achievable in a 5 year round trip but I don't know for sure I'm not a astrophysics or anything like that but I know according to the movies Superman when to where someone told him they though Krypton was and most likely not to where it actually was.

    Now as for the out in space thing he was in a crystal ship created most likely created in the Fortress and when off in to outer space now being what I told you about the reserves and interest of how Superman's powers work he would have probably used his powers some in space not much in the way of say Heat Vision or Super Speed. but he would have probably used some invulnerability and maybe some vision powers like X-ray and telescopic/microscopic but most of all he probably used his power reserves to feed on. That right I know it sounds strange but its true Superman does not have to eat like us he can actually feed off the solar energy the same solar energy that gives him his powers. Now this is a little known "power" that he can use but doesn't do it rarely because on earth if he want to eat something he just does like every one else but if your gone in to deep space for 5 years it is something that he would have used and that is also why he was somewhat weakened when he returned to earth he was probably low on his reserves and used a great deal of them to survive in space and the crash back to earth. Because when you see him next in his bed he is fine because as soon as he returned to earth his body was like a sponge sucking up all the solar radiation around him. This goes the same for when he met Luthor on "New Krypton" the kryptonite laced area sucked the "juice" right out of him and the shard of Kryptonite didn't help either but the moment he was away from it all he was charging up and he flew up in to the upper atmosphere to suck up as much "juice" as possible in that short amount of time. Now Superman can lift 100,000-plus tons and more if he pushes himself so when he hoisted "New Krypton" up and started pushing and of course the Kryptonite didn't help much either again and being that he was probably not at full power and the Kryptonite was eating at him he just over exerted himself and fell to earth exhausted. people though he was dead but just like the first of the movie he just need rest and a time to recharge.

    I hope this answered many of the questions that some of you posted and more, because if there is one thing I know its Superman.

  11. #26
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    Mel, AU
    Quote Originally Posted by corfy
    In Superman: The Movie (and again in Superman Returns), Jor-El says that by the time Kal-El sees this message, "I will have been dead for many thousands of your Earth years." That would imply that Clark was affected by the theory of relativity when he was travelling from Krypton to Earth as a baby.
    Perhaps Jor-El doesn't know how long it'll take to travel from Krypton to Earth (or whatever planet Kal-El would end up landing on), or when will Kal-El sees the message (could take thousands of years if he's dumb enough)...

    Anyway, I give up. If you start looking for holes, you can find gorges.

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  12. #27
    Join Date
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    Daly City, CA
    I'm not even going to read The Web Slinger's post before answering , but Corfy's question is a really good one. Unless of course, the nova that blew up Krypton blasted it toward the earth.

    On the other hand, Jor-El may have been referring to the fact that light from Krypton may take thousands of years, but the space ship moves faster than light?

    Anyway, during the movie, I didn't think Superman was charging up in the sunlight so much as healing from the stab wound.

  13. #28
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    How is it that Kal-el has not posted on this thread yet????

    "Suddenly I heard a tapping, as of someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door. You heard me rapping, Right?"

  14. #29
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    He might be on way to Krypton. (j/k)

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    United States
    Quote Originally Posted by editman
    He might be on way to Krypton. (j/k)
    He's gonna have a surprise when he arrives and finds it not there anymore.

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