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  1. #1
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    Prague, Czech Republic

    X-Box with intergrated HD-DVD drive?

    There have been some rumors about this. What do you think?

    quoting hddigest
    The latest round stems from remarks attributed to an unnamed senior Toshiba executive in Australia, who told Aussie tech site Smarthouse that "An Xbox with a built in HD DVD drive is critical. (Microsoft) and we are working on it. It also has to be more than a gaming machine. Microsoft recognise(s) this. A version of the device may also be sold under the Toshiba brand name."
    Smarthouse goes on to state that the new device is planned for release in 2008 or at the 2009 CES show in Las Vegas.
    Given the reported timing and the vagaries of the high-def format war, its no surprise Microsoft isn't commenting. But the prospect of an HD DVD-enabled game console that would go head-to-head with Sony's PS3 certainly has early adopters talking.
    some forum post responses

    I think this would be great for HD DVD owners, but if this is true this certainly makes the argument for owning a PS3 for Blu-Ray playback all the more valid and also shows me that Sony had more vision than many people give them credit for.
    Economically, it's a classic example of a long-term investment vs. a quick buck. Microsoft is making a good but quick buck, offering a good value for money--in the short term.
    It kinda sucks that some people have to buy a new console to get new features but it's better than not having the option for those features at all.

    It is also better to release a new version with MORE features not LESS features.
    good points there

    My personal opinion .... ah, you already know
    So PS3 did this 2 years before Microsoft/Toshiba will, by that time PS3 will be cheaper than this Xbox whatevernumber and will already have same features that Xbox is gonna get two years later
    And you call us (me) PS3 fanboy crazy? ... oh cmon
    Me angry! Where´s my food!

    My DVD Collection, My Blu-ray collection

  2. #2
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    Feb 2001
    MS said a long time ago (before even 360 came out) that it will have HD-DVD in teh 360 but there is really no point. HD-DVD players r cheap enough to buy seperate n u still have some $$$ left over if u didn't buy a PS3. Reason y it wasn't included was MS said (i think) that the games aint on HD-DVD or BR for that matter so there is really no point including them.
    I myself r waiting to get a 360 with the HD-DVD built in (now was the HDMI connections).

    Put it this way. The Wii is a perfect example. Not even DVD support n its killing sales. That's cose DVD players r so cheap u can buy one for like $50 or less. More features, u add to a console, more things can go wrong. I am happy to c that the 360 is always changing hardware inside. THey r releasing new ones with better chips n stuff inside like the PSP is now.

    A HD-DVD would be cool but no one will get a 360 just for the HD-DVD componest. Especially u can plug n play teh player in ur PC even. No rush either as u can download all the HD content through LIVE. Can u download HD tv shows n HD movies on PS network?
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  3. #3
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    Prague, Czech Republic
    So thats new argument?
    Oh, I cant download tv shows and movies via PS network. But big who cares, I can download anything I want on thingy called computer and guess what - its free. Like PS network is. Like Xbox LIVE isnt.

    So what you basically say is that its much more better to buy THREE Xbox consoles in how many? - three years?, than to buy ONE for double prize of ONE Xbox that can do everything ALREADY? I mean - cmon, anyone reasonable enough would say its crap.
    And I dont say it as a PS fanboy now. Its just complete BS. The new XB aint gonna be any better than PS3, its just catching up (so, gamers dont need HD-DVD /as you stated/... BUT WE´LL GIVE IT TO THEM ANYWAY ... and lets give them HDMI 1.3 finally, they payed two consoles, HD-DVD add-on and they cant even use digital conection, so its fair enough to give it to them in third version ... at last!).
    Friend of mine has bought X-box before few weeks and he´s already angry that he doesnt have HD drive nor HDMI output. And what pisses him even more is that he´ll pay now for HD-DVD add-on just to see Xbox with practicaly same features AND HD-DVD integrated + HDMI on store shelfs next year.
    So if Playstation was released at the same time as 360, which it would be if they werent waiting for BD support, it wouldnt be so bad? You wouldnt hate it so much? You´d love it? Buy it? And then be happy to buy BD add-on? Or morelikely say PS3 is crap because it doesnt have HD support and HDMI? But wouldnt it be technically same as Xbox? It would. But it ISNT. It is more advanced, it has BD support already, it has HDMI, it has everything. And I dont have to wait extra years just to get features other consoles have. I dont need to worry that I´ll have to save money because next year, somebody will release "yet another finalized" product. I dont know man, if I was Xbox fan, I´d say this sux. And I dont really say it as PS fan now. Really not, this is simply just too bad.

  4. #4
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    Feb 2001
    oh, Im not saying the hardware is getting better in terms of performance, but in terms of itself. Better frequency rate, etc etc etc, just like the old PSP n newer ones. Basically the same tech just harder working n lighter for that fact. The 360 n PS3 will perform the same now n in 2 years time.
    Only reason I'd buy a 360 is when it has a HD-DVD built in cose i dont like addons. Im already pissed I have to build a Home threatre system with all these addons (amp, rec., dvd player, cd, tape, etc). Thats the problem with electronics. Nothing is compatible with each other out of the box.

    Yes u can download things illegally but that just makes u a bad persoon n possible risk ur future. By ur understanding, might as well drink n drive cose its ok for u! Same reason why u dont download movies or tv shows.

    I dont see the PS3 getting more than a pure gaming console as the Wii n 360 r extending out to more entertainment other than gaming systems.

    Like i said before, the more features u add to a system, the more things can go wrong. Of course MS will add the HD-DVD as its a better system than the BR looking into the near future. Anyone can tell u this. But none of them will win over the simple DVD as it doesn't add much. VHS to DVD added ALOT!!!!! I guarantee alot of customers (have confirmed this) r buying the PS3 for just the BR player n so not for the games. It is the cheapest BR player out there so far sorry to say.

    Tell me any future plans for the PS3 hardware wise n its pretty solid were it is. Im giving it points for that. A solid system straight of the box. That's what Sony does n its our downfall in a way. Any new thing u want from Sony, u will have to shell out alot more $$$. Hense y its good for the 360 to have excluded features as ppl dont have unlimited $$$. A good move on Sony's part making a cheaper version of the PS3. Tho, u r still buying a gaming console n a BR player together which is STILL more $$$. I'd like to have the option. Gaming unit, gaming + HD player or just HD player. Probably the only changing hardware part for all consoles r the HDD. Add a bigger or smaller one.

    For the network side, obviously the 360 is better since it has years of practice fixing its bugs n making it better now straight out of the box. Sony wont get to lvl that the 360 is at until like the PS4 if any. No idea y the PS2 didn't have a network like LIVE to start off with. Sony just doesn't look into the future with the customer in mind from my point of view n experience. Don't talk about money when talking with LIVE either cose u will still pay more for the PS3 with now 2 360s n a LIVE acount for each. Alot of things on LIVE are free anyone to do with games. AU$100 per year is nothing. I spend more on DVDs per week :p The Wii itself is just... well... they keeping that a secret. That thing is compatible with everything thats under the name Nintendo not to mention a very simple network that brings features to u without u looking for them.

    Sort of covering all bases here n on a rant rooting for neither Sony or MS but looking at all bases. Probably the the 3 double short black espressos talking here but this talk is fun! Ur sort of having a small fit defending Sony. Look at it objectively. The long run so to speak. My case is that Sony is a killer system now but 360 is better in the long run. Just wish that PS3 can show more than what it is. I wanna c the max capibility of the BR n PS3

  5. #5
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    Prague, Czech Republic
    I like this talk too. Its just that we obviously look at it exactly from the opposite - I see PS3 better in long run, Xbox now kinda proves it when they have to release yet another version that can hold to it. In gaming performance, they are the same right now I´d say - graphics of different games proves it, but the thing about PS3 is that it uses completely different HW architecture and game developers cant use its full potential yet. There´s no BIG improvement ahead, but there´s still quite a lot to explore in terms of gaming imo.
    Btw dont forget that game sizes are expanding right now, thats why imo even new generation consoles now need HD drives. I´ve already read that some studio (dont ask me which, I just remember the fact) had to go PS3 exclusive simply because of capacity of DVD(-9) - its just too small. Games like Uncharted (damn I hope I dont confuse the name with that disney´s film) prove that. HD medias are in terms of capacity very important for gaming future and thats btw for sure yet another reason why Xbox is getting another version.
    Xbox had much better start, so did Wii, PS3 just came way too late. Its too bad, because I simply consider it the best console (I´m really not into that Wii stuff, tried few times and hated it), fanboysm or not. It was a big deal buying it for me, damn I´m a student who has to make money for scholarship and tons of other stuff and saving 16 000Kc was just sooooo damn difficult. Can say probably the same about blu-ray. Both have bigger potential than any of its rivals, but they dont use it. I dont care about profile 1.1, about BD being unfinished, I bought it as an investment into (very unstable) future and I expect it to get better. And PS3 is great in this way considering its gonna handle even 2.0 without any damn upgrading / add-on-ing.

    PS: about the internet - I DO download TV shows from internet. But that doesnt really make me bad person. I hate piracy, am against it, but I have no choice in this case. Being in the middle of Europe, where non of thse TV shows air, if I want to see it, I have to download it. Yes, in HD. But hey, its completely legal in our country, so ... well, I´m not proud of it, but its my damn hobby.

  6. #6
    j7wild Guest
    I hate the XBox 360; and I don't care how many hardware gadgets and features they keep adding to it - if you are going to spend money to buy all them add ons, why don't you just buy a gaming PC.

    If you take the cover off an XBox, the inside is like a PC!!

    I have been with the Playstation since the first one came out and I will stick with Sony as long as they keep making Playstations.

  7. #7
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    Feb 2001
    How about this to end it

    Quote Originally Posted by j7wild View Post
    - if you are going to spend money to buy all them add ons, why don't you just buy a gaming PC.
    If you take the cover off an XBox, the inside is like a PC!!

    ROTF. Thats just too easy. Its like playing duck-goose around a paraplegic. Anyone care to take this one?

  8. #8
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    Prague, Czech Republic
    For Home Media Magazine, MS denied integrated HD-DVD drive.
    Collins said Microsoft did not and will not bundle the HD DVD drive in Xbox 360 because the company believes that gamers are first and foremost gamers.
    well ... your loss I guess

  9. #9
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    Feb 2001
    Awwww..... poo! The 360 is a multimedia system like no other tho I'd want it bundled. But its good I guess. Less problems without it. Exact same reason y Nintendo left out the DVD drive in the Wii. Probably smarter n friendlier on the customers behave.

    Wonder if MS can do custom jobs to include the drive

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