
Okay, okay, now on to the really important stuff like "What the f*ck is happening with RIDDICK?" Yes, I get your emails demanding another movie; yes, I keep bumping into you guys in airports and at conventions and I take your pleas to heart. All I can say now is "We're talking about it." The DVD numbers were really good – we know that, and some potential financiers know that. But if another movie surfaces, it probably won't be a Universal movie and probably will be an independent movie. Which means we'll have to make it for substantially less than the last installment. But that's okay. PITCH BLACK was $22 million all in. Maybe it's time to go back to our roots – as we go on to The UnderVerse
That would be really great. I didnt really love the second one, but the first pic was just great. If they make the third one same way, its gonna rock!!
Vin Diesels best role