I've been a big gamer for most of my life now but haven't seen any good movies come out that were based on games. Resident Evil was only average, and the only other one I thought was somewhat amusing was Mario Brothers, mainly because it had a unique approach rather than cartoon. Here's my list of most wanted video game movies:

1) Legend of Zelda (ok, this would be very difficult, but still possible in the right hands)

2) Mario Brothers Cartoon (here you go Pixar)

3) House of the Dead - Another horror movie, but could turn out to be big.

4) Metal Gear Solid (if Tom Clancy and Robert Ludlum can get movies, why can't Metal Gear)

5) Devil May Cry (another movie that would be turned into a horror flick, maybe if they gave Tim Burton a shot at it?)

6) Metroid (they had the rights for five years, but if they worked something out it could be the next big sci fi series)

Thats about all I can think of for now, I know in the next few years there going to make Castlevania and Prince of Persia. POP I have some hope in because Bruckheimer is taking over, but it will be Disney, and Castlevania I just hope they don't blacken the name like they did with Final Fantasy.