Hi, first off I'd like to congratulate whoever made this site. I've been downloading trailers for over three years now I think from movie-list (and just today noticed that there are forums here too ). But back years ago this site was the only one I could find that had ALOT of trialers that you could download, and even in large res (480x360+).

It was awesome, but nowadays I noticed that most of the trailers are links to apple.com and that you can't store them on your computer (or if there is a way, please tell me someone!). Can anyone tell me why this is? The studios not providing them anymore or threatening action for allowing them to be shared? Or something simple as there are just too many trailers to be stored by the site? Just curious and wondering if this is the direction the site is moving, but thanks again for all the trailers I've gotten here the past few years!

(once I get back on broadband I'll be able to share them with anyone who needs them, I have about 5 cds full of high res ones)