My english is not good. I watched the film in 1996 or 1997. So the film may be released before 1997. Could someone help to tell me what is the name of the film ? Thanks a lot.

There are some fragments of the plot:

Fragment 1:
There are a man, a woman and a bad person( he is male ) in the film. The man has a small robot. But one day the small robot is remote controlled by the bad person. And the robot attacks the man and woman( the robot use a gun or a laser to attacks them. I can not recall it clearly). The bad person can watch the man and woman through the robot's eyes ( because the small robot is remote controlled by the bad person ). In order to destroy the robot, the woman expose some of her body ( or the woman take off some of her clothes, I can not recall clearly) , so the small robot is watching her, through whose eyes the bady person is watching the woman. At that time the man has a chance to destroy the small robot. And the man destroy the robot.

Fragment 2:

One night, The man and the woman go to a hotel. But at that time the hotel has only one room. They live in the room. But the room has only one bed. They sleep in the bed together. After a while, the woman get up to the bathroom ( or washing room or else, I can not recall clearly ) . In the bathroom the woman is taking off all of her clothes. At the same time, the man in the bed is also taking off all of his clothes. Then the woman come out and go to the bed to sleep with the man. Above the bed there is a painting on the wall. In the painting there is a nude woman. After the night, the man and the woman fall in love with each other.

At the end of the film:

The man and the woman defeat the bad person.