Furthermore, the ALIEN creature was done by H.R. Giger, known for very sexual ALIEN paintings, based on his own work in


Just Google image NECRONOM IV and you will see all the sexual imagery you find.

His original designs of the ALIEN were rejected by 20th Century Fox for being too blatantly sexual.

Many of the original ideas behind the Alien had sexual undertones to make it much more unsettling.

H.R. Giger's original design of the Alien was much more sexual, but after 20th Century Fox objected to them, he altered the design and used his original ideas for the film "Species".

nevertheless, there is sexual symbolism and sexual overtone throughout the film.

This was mentioned by Scott in the DVD commentary; the idea of Bestiality and the ALIEN using Humans not just for reproduction, but for sex.

Alien is a movie with layers and depth. There is definitely sexual themes about a patriarchal society and you could go on and on and on with it.

I think most of it stemmed from Giger's work, but the film definitely plays on it.

All of the men are quickly dispatched, the women are toyed with and the creature revels in their fear and anguish.

All of the sexual imagery.

The Mother computer module is a womb.

Ripley has to pull out these 4 long phallic objects when setting the ships self destruct system, then push them all back into place when she tries to cancel it.

The obvious symbolism of the chestburster, which is basically death by penis.

The opening in the derelict ship is vaginal.

Both Ripley and Lambert end up almost naked when the alien attacks them.

Ash tries to kill Ripley by inserting a phallic object into her mouth while she is surrounded by pornography.

Ash's blood looks like semen and he spurts it all over the place when he is beaten by another phallic object.

The facehugger is another rape metaphor: it preys on most Men's homophobic fear of being anally raped.

The beginning of the movie sees the entire crew being "born" by emerging from their hypersleep chambers, then at the end of the film Ripley returns to the womb by going back into one.

Ash and Dallas look for the facehugger by probing crevices with phallic objects.

The flame throwers and cattle prod are more phallic objects of power.

I could go on and on, its definitely present in the film.

There's also been talk that Ridley will be using "Prometheus" as an opportunity to finally explore those ideas further.

It's been said that the new movie will deal with sexuality very directly, and also that the creatures in it will do very perverse things.

It could be Ridley finally taking his chance to explore all of these unsettling ideas that weren't able to come to fruition in the original ALIEN.