My initial reaction to him then has not changed: he comes across like he's selling you something rather than being genuinely honest about his feelings for Katie Holmes. He's trying way too hard to convince the audience that he's found true love, when an informed viewer will have already read the true timeline and facts regarding their "romance" well before Cruise actually came on the show.

He looks like he's trying to sell you a Sham Wow or a bottle of vitamins that will cure everything that ails you. There is something fundamentally dishonest about this interview; there's nothing truly genuine about what he says or does. All of it comes across as an act. And I've been around long enough to have had people try and sell me sketchy products, or recruit me into New-Age religions, and at the core of every presentation was this sort of demonstration that Cruise puts on on Oprah's show; people who try and recruit you into pyramid schemes or other types of dubious plans use this sort of emotional cheer-leading to get you excited about what they're attempting to sell you because they know that the truth itself would not be enough.

Not only is Cruise a complete fraud in this clip, but so is the host and her audience. At that point Cruise could have spit-roasted a kitten right there on the stage and the mindless drones that Oprah calls her "audience" would not have raised one objection; they were too busy worshiping Cruise in the back of their mind. Cruise probably successfully recruited 5-10 new members from that studio audience for the Church just from that appearance alone, because it's the type of personality that would sit there and deify and objectify people such as Tom Cruise that are the most vulnerable to his cult recruitment efforts. And Oprah should have known better. She sat there and let him go on and on and on unchallenged; she was a totally willing accomplice to this fraud he perpetrated on the public.