Quote Originally Posted by Granite View Post
Lucas confirms Fisher, Ford, and Hamill in talks for Star Wars return

When I first read about that, the first thing that came to mind was "Geriatric War", I mean seriously, that was then, this is now.
I'm no FanBoy, but let's be serious here, I can see cameo's and such, but anything else is utterly ridiculous. Look at Ford with his "Nuke the Fridge" movie, it was actually painful for ME to watch him (And that was 5 years ago!!!), I thought he was going to have a heart attack at any time.
One must know their limitations, and that's why I respect Clint Eastwood, he played roles which suited his age as he got older, switched to directing, and that was that..... Respect.
How they will play this, I have no clue, but I don't see the purpose, after all, they only appeared in the first 3, why now??