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  1. #1
    j7wild Guest

    Exclamation The Academy Awards the other night.

    The Academy Awards this year was boring or is it just me?

    Ellen wasn't funny and her eyes kept blinking rapidly as if she hasn't slept in days.

    Also, I remember every Academy Awards in the past few years had a montage of previous films, both nominated and winners, at the beginning of the awards before the award's host came on stage.

    This year they had nothing.

    (We had the TV on right from the beginning starting with the pre-award red carpet show and I don't remember seeing such montage.

    I only remember the voice over live from Dolby Theater and then Ellen came on stage)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    They did have some "SuperHero" type montage during the awards, but it really did not make sense to me in respect to the clip selections, it looked more like a mashup of whatever they could put together at the last minute:

    I can't see through walls, but I can kick your ass.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quebec, Canada
    Yeah it was a weird montage, with not a lot of girls (like Princess Leia etc.), which is especially sad since they put like everykind of "heroes" whatever they first pick. They should have stick to one kind of heroes and do some kind of effort, it was weak.

    I think there was another montage, but I don't remember.

    I remember some years ago the horror movies hommage with Twilight in it!

    It was an ok night, better than the Franco/Hathaway one.

    They seems to not have forget anyone during the In Memoriam like the other years, I was surprise they mention Roger Ebert.

    I would have like they show more clips of the nominees, but instead it was some kind of drawing effects, not that bad, but I think it would have been interresting in the screenplay categories to show a clip of dialogue.
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  4. #4
    j7wild Guest


    I saw that superhero montage and when it was over, I was like "What was the point of that? Was that for an award category because I didn't see them give away anything or announce any winner!"

  5. #5
    j7wild Guest

    Thumbs down

    HA! I missed the Oscars tonight!

    I knew it was on tonight but I really didn't even want to watch it.

    It's been a couple of years or longer since I sat down and watched the Academy Awards show from beginning to end!

    I just looked online and Birdman won Best Picture?


    I have never even heard of that movie.

    Rosemund Pike should had won Best Actress (IMO) for her role in Gone Girl but looks like the Academy decided to play it safe and give the Oscar to Julianne Moore.

    The Academy is composed of a bunch of politically driven wimps!

    What other category do you feel the Oscars robbed you this year?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    I think Julianne Moore deserved it, even though I don't really care for her as an actress.
    It's one thing to act out a Psycho, but it does come naturally to some of the opposite sex, god knows I've dated a few.

    I'm sure it works both ways, but I never dated guy's, so I can only comment on what I know.

    Acting out a condition or disease, that's a different ball game, it's real life, and I can tell that she did her research on this one.
    Obviously they dramatized some of it, after all, taking creative liberties is a standard process for the flow, but several key points that she made were so real, it was scary.

  7. #7
    j7wild Guest
    Julianne won for another movie I didn't watch or heard of.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    The Movie is called "Still Alice"

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