More changes are coming.

You'd never notice, but I spent the entire weekend re-writing the entire site.
(We used to use a template engine, it's now 100% coded by yours-truly).
This will allow us/me a lot more control and the ability to change and add things very quickly.

I also have a new look coming for the whole site sometime in the summer. It's similar, but adds some flare, and bells & whistles.

I'm also thinking of a MAJOR overhaul in the forum.
I'd LOVE to get rid of vbulletin, but thus far, I haven't found anything to replace it with.
I'd love to go to more of a Discussion-board as opposed to a 'forum', removing all that fluff (no more credits, arcades, etc). Just discussions.

Something like this:
or this:

But I'm open to suggestions, ideas, complaints, flames or just about anything else you have to say on the subject.