Still can't shake the feeling that the forum is too quiet. I took a hiatus from posting for a month or so to observe activity, and only the hard work encoding by jacques1400 in the trailer forums and the activity of j7wild is showing. There is some limited activity of other members, but it is just that limited!

I notice a few posts that I did in news are getting views, so people are interested in news, but it generally doesn't exceed 100.

I propose that some rework of the forum is needed -
1) Remove the DVD news section - the last posting was in October 2013, and the post before that was Sept 2013.
2) Rework trailer news into two top level sections - direct links and member reencodes. Add a third top level which is a direct link to the subscription access
3) Add a section on technical workings of trailers - company info, how to encode, music, etc...
4) Combine technical problems and site suggestions - and have a sticky thread for posting rules (such as top ten issues)
5) Combine movie news and movie related - I could headline threads about movie news with the phrase "Movie News: Ant-Man (2016)" for example. The other option is to create an RSS feed of news links.

Just some suggestions meant to get a discussion going - with the main focus going to the niche area that this site caters to - how movie trailers work. The forum is not exciting anymore with limited to no contributions of most members.