The Vatican City is a very small city: they don't import or export anything in great quantity, they don't grow anything.

The Vatican City is supported financially mostly by tourist dollars.

The Pope is supposed to be the head of the Catholic Church.

Okay. I am not Catholic and I am sure if one is Catholic, one wants someone to follow and look up to as a role model.

But are there any true Catholics in this world nowadays whatever being Catholic means and it's required of them to do?

Aside from the Religious aspect of the Pope, the Vatican City, what else does he do?

He goes around the world, gives a few speeches, wave his hands at the crowd; some of the Catholics in the crowd may go wild and start crying, much like people at a rock concert in awe of their favorite musician.

Sometimes when there is an international crisis somewhere or a war or a terrorist act; the Pope may say something, asking people to get along and not fight and kill each other.

Do people fighting a war in another country say: the Pope just said we should stop fighting so lay down our arms and get along?

I doubt it they do.

Does anyone ever listen to him anyway?

I found this:

Sounds like a very boring job!