Originally posted by editman
Well, for one thing. Chicks never give blokes opportunites to even try to understand. Cos chicks believes blokes are supposed to know what women want.

Ask 'em directly? Not romantic. Have a wild guess? Can never guess it right. Just gives them what I'd like myself? Break-up alert! Thinking like a chick? What are you gay!?

Apparently dating a chick, or trying to get laid is the biggest headgame a bloke can ever play. And most of us are not good at it.
Well here is also a mistake.
Ladys or like you called it chicks dont date to gate laid or having sex, they date for fun and experience.
Man date only to get laid or to get an blow job....
And there is only a thin line when ladys also want it....and is it so hard to understand us ladys ??