well...i just got home from watching the matrix 2. it wasn't as bad as i thought it was going to be but it also is not as good as it should have been.

the plot was interesting. a lot of story twists and little thoughts and commetns that make you think "wtf?"....
the fx were really not revolutionary like the first matrix (bullet time) and actually the bullet time sequences they had were almost cheesy. the "burly brawl" was good but you can clearly tell what was CG and what wasn't (not much). at times it looked like someone had cheapened the CG down to Poser figures. basically it was cheap. in fact, i would say that most fo the CG was cheap when it came to the virtual actors and doubles. however, the CG of Zion and the real earth were great. very believable.

i am not going to give anything away because i know m,ost of us have not seen it yet... but there is something towards the end that makes you think...."what if....???"

overall i would give it 3/5. people are going to like it but i think not as much as original anticipated. will it do better than X2 ?? maybe. but not because it is a better movie.

oh, and having to wait the 10 minutes to get through the credits to see the revolutions sneak was lame. the sneak was really nothing great....