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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    The philosophy of The Matrix

    Since Matrix is all people will talk about here we can at least have a decent discussion about The Matrix. This is something I wrote in humur but perfectly represents how shallow the supposed philosophy of the first film is.

    A child born of a woman through the power of God. He was raised in a humble family as a Jew, taught about God and Heaven by his parents. When he was 12 he and his family went to worship in Jerusalem but when they left they realized that Jesus wasn't with them. They had to go back to Jerusalem and they found him in the temple asking the wise men questions about religion. The wise men were amazed by his understanding and reasoning at such a young age. At 30 he is baptized by John The Baptist and all of his memories from heaven are returned to him. He sees the light. With this he now understands his purpose and goes on a 3 year preaching work to show others the light. A pacifist who only had 1 outburst of anger and it was a justified outburst and he never harmed anybody. After 3 and half years he died at the hands of the Romans and was raised from the dead to a spirit body 3 days later.


    Neo's similarities. He met Morpheus who supposedly represents John the Baptist only instead of being baptized he takes a pill. This allows him to see the light and understand his purpose. At the end of the film he dies and is raised from the dead.

    Other things to remember. Neo was born due to the machines who do not represent God but the Devil. We know nothing about his childhood but if we think of The truth it's safe to say his parents never raised him to believe that the world was a supercomputer called The Matrix. Plus Neo is such an idiot that I doubt he asked Deep questions about reality when he was 12.

    After Neo see's the light he sets about to "Save" the world by shooting everyone. If Morpheus is really a representative of John the baptist then I missed an account during my bible reading. I don't recall an account after John The Baptist was imprisoned where Jesus burst into the building with a bunch of Oozes and killed everyone. Nothing represented there. Neo not only kills people but does it when there's no need. At times when stealth would work better he still goes in all guns blazing and shoots a lot of people. Then even if he does succeed as the saviour it will not be a Jesus style of saviour on all mankind into a better world. He will destroy The Matrix which will kill all of the people still inside, and those that did escape will be forced to live their lives in a Barron Wasteland, no sun, no plants, no animals and only some kind of raw egg protein substance as the only food they will ever eat again. Either way Neo is still proving that he will kill any infidels of The Matrix in order to make the world safe for the people of the Holy city of Zion.

    My Theory

    The Jesus explanation while I believe was attempted by the Wochowskies has more holes than a golf course. They threw in the most shallow examples of Jesus life that everyone knows while ignoring even the slightest bit of digging, and then changed it to an action world so that their world could be all cool and awesome. Now based on The Animatrix episodes, The Last Renascence parts 1 and 2 here is what I consider a more sound explanation of the film.

    We know that humans are to blame for starting the war with machines. We know that humans treated machines badly, humans decided to kill robots in masses. When the robots asked for peace we know that the humans bombed them with nuclear weapons and we know that humans burned the sky. We also know that the machines set up The Matrix with a perfect crime free world at first until Humans recreated crime and violence. So here's my theory.

    The machines didn't set up The Matrix to imprison people, they set it up to help both races survive. The humans had no variety in their food now the sun was gone just that eggy substance. They had no visual aids to enjoy just a barren post apocalyptic wasteland. The machines had no power when Solar energy was destroyed. So the machines created a virtual world where the humans could live their lives happily. Blissfully unaware of the horrible events before. The agents never killed a person throughout the film except those who were hacking The Matrix while neo and co killed many. The only explanation is that the agents are a sort of firewall program set up in order to protect the people in The Matrix, whilst the freedom fighters are nothing but a bunch of terrorists. Religious fanatics who are only interested in killing everyone who is not one of them. They don't want the people in the Matrix to live happy lives. They want them to die free, even though the freedom will most likely only come through their deaths, and so they're not bothered how many innocents die in the name of Zion. Neo is not a Jesus figure, he's a Bin Laden and I'm looking forward to see who's playing Saddam in the next film.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    i'm not religois person and i give a **** about god and the rest of all this crap but this just my opnion

    when i first saw the matrix the question came up to my head why freeing all humans out of the matrix is a good thing? i don't think that it'll be good when they out of the matrix. in the matrix they good everything they need but in the real world, hmm, just a big dirty rock flying through space. and even all those gret person like neo, trinity, morpheus are there "only human". no bullettimein the real world i don't think that he charectors of zion thougt of what'll happen when they turn off the matrix and the powerplant. well it will be caos and billions of dead humans and all the ymmy eggstuff to eat.

    if i would know about the matrix and how the real world looks like i would choos the blue pill.

    at the end the matrix trilgy is just a good action movie, nothing more and nothing less.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Matrix rocks...its awesome, its great dude..its the best movie.. EVER... !!!!! <------ imitating the shallow and dumb movie list forum member...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Originally posted by tisoy
    Matrix rocks...its awesome, its great dude..its the best movie.. EVER... !!!!! <------ imitating the shallow and dumb movie list forum member...
    Are you talking about me ???

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    NYC, USA
    and for my 400th post - Don't forget that the Bible follows the formula for ANY good vs. Evil story and that parallels can be drawn between absolutely any movie, book, what ever...and the Bible. Besides it's so long that a lot is covered in it.

    Let's do something stupid - Austin Powers and Jesus (no offense to Christians) Austin goes back in time to save humanity and rid the world of evil - that right there is a reference to the Bible (not a good one though)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Mel, AU
    Originally posted by tisoy
    imitating the shallow and dumb movie list forum member...

    Originally posted by Matrix
    Are you talking about me ???
    imitating tisoy imitating Travis Buckle:

    You talkin' to me???

    You talkin' to me???

    You talkin' to me???

    Well who da hell you talkin' to You talkin' to me???

    Well I'm the only one here...

    :big grin:

    And guess what!!? when you throw a pebble into an empty jug (emphasize on 'jug'), it does make noises...
    Last edited by editman; 05-19-2003 at 07:50 PM.

    "The idea was to be a symbol. editman could be anybody, that was the point."

    Trolls destroyed the Forum

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  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Mel, AU
    Of course when The 'original' Matrix came out in 1999, no one knew who Osama bin Laden is unless you're a regular visitor of the FBI website.


    According to the Oracle, and also hinted in The Second Rennaisance, the only way to redemption is through cooperation between man and machine. The whole concept of control must be abandoned. But I still really don't see how even at the end of Matrix Reloaded. Maybe it will be resolved in Revolution now they bring the issue up in Reloaded.
    Last edited by editman; 05-19-2003 at 07:32 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Originally posted by Jake
    and for my 400th post - Don't forget that the Bible follows the formula for ANY good vs. Evil story and that parallels can be drawn between absolutely any movie, book, what ever...and the Bible. Besides it's so long that a lot is covered in it.
    HUH??? I'm sorry but could you translate that please? You do realize that this is not about religion solely, but about how The Matrix doesn't represent the story of Christ. If I wanted to go into it I could mention all of the posotive values and lessons found in the bible but there's no point. Needless to say The Matrix has NONE of these. It's a movie that makes the terrorists into the hero's and then claims Neo to be a representation of The Christ. Which is something people claim is one of those "DEEP" area's of The Matrix. It's an area the Wachowski's obviously thought would make them look cool but they never even did the simplest of tasks as reading a little on Jesus life.
    Originally posted by Jake

    Let's do something stupid - Austin Powers and Jesus (no offense to Christians) Austin goes back in time to save humanity and rid the world of evil - that right there is a reference to the Bible (not a good one though)

    Again no offense but

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Originally posted by editman
    Of course when The 'original' Matrix came out in 1999, no one knows who Osama bin Laden is unless you're a regular visitor of the FBI website.
    Ridley Scott knew who he was.

    Either way though religious extremists existed when the Matrix was released. I just used Bin Laden as he is now the most well known.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Mel, AU
    Originally posted by carl
    Ridley Scott knew who he was.

    Either way though religious extremists existed when the Matrix was released. I just used Bin Laden as he is now the most well known.
    I know. I saw bin Laden in Hannibal.

    True. I should've pointed that out (about religious extremists) in my previous post but I didn't.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Originally posted by Jake

    Let's do something stupid - Austin Powers and Jesus (no offense to Christians) Austin goes back in time to save humanity and rid the world of evil - that right there is a reference to the Bible (not a good one though)

    is that the purpose of Christ?

    you tell me.. Who is God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Originally posted by tisoy
    Matrix rocks...its awesome, its great dude..its the best movie.. EVER... !!!!! <------ imitating the shallow and dumb movie list forum member...

    "A celibate clergy is an especially good idea, because it tends to suppress any hereditary propensity toward fanaticism." / Carl Sagan

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Ottawa, ON, Canada
    Hmm... you guys seem to be neglecting something... The Matrix draws on for more theologies than just Christianity. It draws on Buddhism, Greek Mythology, and dozens of other things other than Christianity.
    Are you a Mexi-CAN or a Mexi-CAN'T?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Originally posted by blugh
    Hmm... you guys seem to be neglecting something... The Matrix draws on for more theologies than just Christianity. It draws on Buddhism, Greek Mythology, and dozens of other things other than Christianity.
    Yeah I can see that 2, but the whole Neo representing Jesus thing is the one most people quote as fact, when in reality the Wachowski's just couldn't make up their minds which religion to use so they threw them all at us in one big incomprehencible mess.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    oh god! *reads thread* What ever happened to enjoying movie?
    You ppl need to relax.

    *goes back to enjoy and clap @ the teletubbies*
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