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  1. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Yes it is official, the live action movie will be hiting the big screen in July 2007.

    Also check out the guy who built the robot out of a Mini on the Micheal Smith page

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2005



    I believe I'm starting to feel bad...

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by jmcc


    I believe I'm starting to feel bad...

    Those are not the ones they will be using for the movie. they won't be using that new age "Transformers Armada" crap. This movie is going to be old school, Generation 1, 80s style all the way. can you dig it?!?

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Thumbs up Transformers

    Well, that sounds better for me because I only followed generations 1 and 2 and portions of Beast Wars Transformers.

    I like Generation 1.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    From Aint It Cool News...

    Then I met Bay. He introduced himself and I shook his hand. The very first thing he said when we sat down was, "I'm not telling you any of the story." I was like, "Okay... so... did you see that cast list that is starting to circulate on the internet?" He brightened up and said he hadn't, then asked who was mentioned. I ran through the names I could remember offhand. Michael Clarke Duncan, Jon Voight, Bernie Mac... He just smiled and nodded. After a long silence he said, "Well, it sure is a big cast." I thought that was a pretty nice dodge, but if I had to guess based on his reaction I think IGN's scoop is legit, at least as far as those names are concerned.
    One thing I can confirm, straight from Bay's mouth (and this is something he wanted the fans to know) is that he is going to audition the original voice actors for the Autobots and Decepticons. He said it's no guarantee they'll get cast, but he's going to give them a listen. His main fear is that the actors have aged since the cartoon and that age may be noticeable in their voices.
    Bay then showed me a rough design for the TRANSFORMERS teaser poster. It was a robotic eye overlooking planet Earth, kind of peeking over the curvature of the globe. The eye was in a brow the shape of a right triangle and looked very mechanical, iris and all. The tagline was "Their War. Our World."
    I like the tagline and the poster was very polished, but it reminded me a little too much of the ID4 poster. And the font for TRANSFORMERS at the bottom of the poster looked like ROBOCOP's font, not enough like the the TRANSFORMERS font.
    Bay was called away to talk to the screenwriters for a few minutes and when he returned he asked me into the meeting room. The monster dog was back at his guard post and I had to step over the beast to get into the room. The dog was very passive this time and even relented to a bit of a scratch behind the ears.
    The meeting room had a long table in the middle of the room, a flat panel widescreen TV on the far wall, giant horizontal posters for BAD BOYS 2 and PEARL HARBOR on the adjacent wall, Leatherface's mask in a displace case underneath, a TRANSFORMERS toy above it (it was a shiny black toy with a customized Michael Bay head on it, a gift from Hasbro, Bay told me), People's Choice award surf boards (for 2004 and 2005) resting in 2 of the 4 corners of the room and the bomb from PEARL HARBOR in another corner.
    I sat across from Bay as he held a stack of at least 150 rectangular papers with everything from preproduction art to character designs to character tests on them. He flipped through the stack as he was telling me that he has the full support of the US Armed Forces for this film and has met with them repeatedly to discuss how they are portrayed in the movie. With a smile, Bay said that if the world ever had a giant robot problem how we see the Armed Forces deal with them in TRANSFORMERS is how we'd see them deal with them in real life.
    He plucked a piece of art from this stack, careful to keep everything he didn't want me to see hidden in the pile, and slid it across the desk to me. He said that TRANSFORMERS will be the first film to be able to use the new fighter jet, the F-22. The image he slid to me was of this jet, a very sleek looking machine. Apparently, this machine has all of its weaponry (bombs, etc) hidden inside it, with panels that slide back to allow the weapons out when needed. It's a stealth jet and, most importantly, it can stop suddenly and hover (think of it rising its nose at a 60 degree angle and just stopping) which would allow the jet to take out enemy fighters as they scream past, unable to stop or turn in time. It's supposed to be a pilot's dream of a machine.
    Bay was flipping through more of the concept art and character designs and he seemed unsure of what to show me. Reluctantly, he plucked out another piece and slid it over. This one was the first robot design I saw. It was all silver metal and had many sharp angles. I didn't recognize it, but this started a discussion about the design of the robots in the film.
    The biggest difference from the cartoon and toys is that the Autobots and Decepticons aren't going to be as blocky. Bay said that when they started breaking down how these robots transform from vehicles to robots the blocky end result didn't make any sense and looked pretty silly. So, you see the working parts of the vehicles much more on the robots, you see sharper angles, but they all stem from them transforming.
    He showed me another robot, a Decepticon called Scorponok (if I remember correctly, although it could have been called Skorpikon), a giant robot scorpion which had three long, thin pliable blades for each of its pincers that could join together and rotate, becoming drills. The tail folded up over its body and had a long sharp barbed pole that would shoot out of the end (presumably to skewer anything in the immediate area).
    It was around here that I got my first look at Optimus Prime. I saw three concept art pieces on Optimus. The first was a headshot. He is blue, like the cartoon, but I noticed a lack of red in the early stuff I saw. Mostly steel gray and blue. Not sure what I think about that. His face is a bit longer than I remember the cartoon being, but the image I think of when I picture Optimus Prime is when his face guard is up. Bay was quick to point out that the Optimus I was seeing was him without his battle mask. Like the other robot I saw, Optimus was more angular than the cartoon, but he was still hulking. He was by no means lithe and skinny. Bulky, but not blocky.
    The second piece of art I saw had him standing full size, head to toe , on the right side and his vehicle form on the left. Yes, it's still a Mac truck.
    The third piece was a close up on his eyes. There was actually 2 different pieces here, two different options for how the eyes would look. They still haven't decided on the eyes yet, but Bay said the robots, and Optimus Prime especially, had to show emotion and you couldn't do that with just glowing red eyes. The one I liked the most had the iris of the eye looking like a turbine engine. Very mechanical, but like a camera shutter it appeared that he could dilate the "pupils." There were metal slats around his eyes as well that looked like they could slide over each other to give the area around the eyes specific movement and life. The other option was exactly the same, but the iris had what looked like wires instead of slats (turbine engine thingys). It was very pretty and mimicked the look of a human iris a bit more, but felt out of place in the robotic skull.
    Clark Kent is who I am. Superman is what I can do.

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    and more....

    It was very obvious to me that Bay was getting excited about the project as he was revealing these little bits to me, which was very cool to see. Mostly because the more excited he got, the more he wanted to share about the film. He picked another page and slid it to me and told me that when he was first approached he wasn't sure about the movie, thinking it would just a giant toy commercial. What hooked him was Shia LaBeouf's character, a teen that is getting his first car. He said that rite of passage for a teenage boy, that of getting your first car, is something he connected with and gave him a human angle to get involved emotionally with the story.
    Of course, Shia's character ends up with a banana yellow '70s looking car with lots of wear... and of course, that car is a Transformer. The art Bay slid over to me was like the Optimus Prime work, with Shia's yellow beat up old car on the left and the car transformed into a giant robot on the right.
    We talked a bit about the beginning of the movie. It starts in the Antarctica with a man chipping away at a giant ice wall. Something happens, his dogs run away and ice wall opens, the man falling into an icy cave, sliding down into the earth. When he stops, the camera pulls back and shows him resting in a giant robotic hand, half in and half out of the ice. I saw this piece in production art and it was very atmospheric with giant shapes in the surrounding ice walls and the tiny man resting in the palm of a robot.
    Bay later revealed that although this is the beginning of the movie, it isn't the first thing we see. Bay's words were, "We will actually see Cybertron," which is the planet where the Autobots hail from.
    I then saw about 10 minutes of animatics. For those that don't know what an animatic is, it's an animated storyboard using rough, rough animation to detail a complex action scene or a very visual sequence. Most of them were bits from various fight scenes that started in the middle of the action. I know there's going to be a fight between Megatron and Optimus Prime in downtown LA. Bay wanted to make sure I understood that they're still working on the physics involving the Transformers. He didn't want them to move like typical robots, but they had to have the weight of metal beings their size. He had considered doing Motion Capture work for the Autobots and Decepticons, but he ran a test of two stunt men fighting where he just mapped the animation over the men and he was happy with the results, at least in the rough animation tests.
    From the animatics, the action seemed to be huge and what you'd want from a movie like this. Of course, Bay's fingerprints are all over them, even at this early stage of planning. I saw fights between fully transformed Autobots and Decepticons that had them plucking lamp posts out of the ground and smashing the other with the blocky concrete end, I saw them jumping all over each other, only to be shot back by an arm cannon, I saw mid-air transformations from a Jet into a robot as it collides a standing robot in downtown LA...
    There was another bit I saw that brought back that scorpion Decepticon I mentioned earlier. This part takes place in the Middle East and shows US soldiers heading towards a small town as they're being followed by something under the sand (think Tremors with the surface sand rippling up as something passes underneath). In a flash it pops up and the tail skewers a soldier and in a sand cloud it disappears back under the ground, dragging the dead soldier with it. The other soldiers react, firing at the trail in the sand. In the chaos more get grabbed, this time the Decepticon jumping out of the sand like the Sand Worm in BEETLEJUICE. The soldiers run and then we get the most Michael Bay shot I saw in any of the animatics... Slow motion soldiers running towards camera, the Decepticon jumping out of the sand behind them. It's so slow that we can see the pincers acting as drills allowing it to dig under the sand. I thought it looked awesome.
    The other animatic sequence I want to mention before I wrap up this report is a freeway chase. Bay said he has done many chase scenes in his career, but he wanted this one to feel different from his other chases. The sequence has Optimus and a Decepticon speeding along a crowded freeway, the Decepticon's truck flipping over any vehicle in its way. Optimus is catching up to him and transforms as he gets close, keeping the tires on the ground and avoiding as many cars as he can. The transformation was everything Transformers geeks would want to see big. It was smooth and ended with Optimus crouching, the wheels still on the ground.
    We talked a little bit about Steven Spielberg and his role as producer on the film. Bay said that Spielberg was sitting in this very same meeting room a few short days ago brainstorming action scenes with Bay. Every word I've heard from sources close to the project say that Spielberg is very much a hands-on creative producer with this flick. Considering how Episode 3 seemed to benefit from Spielberg's input I can't imagine this is anything but great news for us Transformers fans.
    One of the last things we talked about before I took off was the teaser trailer. I know it starts off in space and it will be released this 4th of July. The movie starts shooting next month.

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    United States
    OH MY GOD!!!!!!! So ridiculously looking forward to this movie even more now!!!!!
    Thank You Kal-El!!!
    Can't wait till July 4th!!!!!

    "Suddenly I heard a tapping, as of someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door. You heard me rapping, Right?"

  8. #23
    j7wild Guest
    After the Island flopped, I lost my respect for Michael and he better redempt himself!!

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    in a galaxie far far away
    Quote Originally Posted by j7wild
    After the Island flopped, I lost my respect for Michael and he better redempt himself!!

    Must be the only one here who like the island....

  10. #25
    Join Date
    May 2005
    NC, USA
    I'm with you Jedi! I think he can pull this off.

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Angry Several things you may not be aware of...

    I've been recently (April 29, '06) researching the TF live action movie, and it seems there may be some disappointments headed our way.

    1.George Clooney will voice Optimus, rather than my preference, Peter Cullen of the original series. That kills me. I can actually handle even my beloved Megatron having a different voice, but not OPTIMUS.

    2.There will (it seems) be only FIVE (yes, 5!!!) total transformers!!! I'll gut myself if that is true.

    3.Soundwave and perhaps other transformers will be transforming into things they never were. As example, Soundwave will be transforming into a HELICOPTER, or so it is said.

    I doubt there is anyone that has as much nostalgia and love of the Transformers than myself, but this news is horribly disappointing to me. I DEARLY HOPE that this information is in error.

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    NYC, USA
    only 5 would seriously suck, that makes it 2.5 robots per side lol, ok, Optimus and a buddy, and Megatron and a buddy, haha. that's not really funny, that's damn sad.

  13. #28
    j7wild Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Jedi Master
    Must be the only one here who like the island....
    I like the Island, that's why I can't believe it flopped!!

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    NYC, USA
    I absolutely LOVE every Micheal Bay movie because I go to see girls, guns, and explosions and it just gets better every time. It's like when you tell your friend - "wouldn't it be cool if...." and then it happens onscreen. Cares flipping over, helicopters, Ferrari chasing a Humvee (geez!), plasma bombs, sarin gas, etc

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Ottawa, ON - Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by davids2006
    1.George Clooney will voice Optimus, rather than my preference, Peter Cullen of the original series. That kills me. I can actually handle even my beloved Megatron having a different voice, but not OPTIMUS.
    From the post above...

    One thing I can confirm, straight from Bay's mouth (and this is something he wanted the fans to know) is that he is going to audition the original voice actors for the Autobots and Decepticons. He said it's no guarantee they'll get cast, but he's going to give them a listen. His main fear is that the actors have aged since the cartoon and that age may be noticeable in their voices.
    In short... Since there is very little know, treat all info as rumour.

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