The last movie I saw was Finding Neverland, it was absolutely amazing! Without a doubt this was the best film Johnny Depp has ever done! I mean I love POTC, but this movie gave Johnny a whole new look, he is the best actor of our day! While watching this movie you are either laughing or crying throughout the whole thing! It's a beautiful film and it will touch your heart!
Best of all this movie brings relationships to a new level. Iwent to go see this movie with my mother and i finally understand some of the pain she felt as a child.
When my mother was at the age of three her father died, leaving my grandmother with 3 children ages 1,3, & 4. My grandmother remarried to a wounderful man 4 years later. My grandmother was diagnosed with cancer when my mother was 8, she suffered 2 years with this horrible disease and died.
By seeing this Film I finally had some sense of all the agony my mother, aunt and uncle suffered through the loss of their mother. I feel closer to my mother now. Everyday I pray to the lord asking him to spare all children from this tragic fate, and I thank all who were involved in this movie because of the connection they gave me with mother. It was as though God sent them from heaven to bring all this love to the world, they are angles sent directly from The Lord