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  1. #181
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Mel, AU
    Quote Originally Posted by Frequency
    Recently saw House Of Flying Daggers with a friend. All I can say is wow! Amazing cinematography and the colours are extremely vibrate.
    Yep, it's like a bimbo with 36" boobs - all looks, nothing's side.

    Story twisty...
    ... for someone who haven't seen 'Infernal Affairs', 'Hero', 'Coruching Hero' or the early films of Zhang Yimou, perhaps.

    Pardon me for being a jerk: I got stabbed at the back and someone stole my girl whom I sacrificed 3 years for - true story!

    Also, saw The Aviator, Hide and Seek and Cellular today. Nothing much to tell - again I went to see them mainly to sort orders of the clips posted (so stop posting those bloody clips dammit!... j/k) Actually went to see Hide and Seek just so I can see Dakota Fannings' close-ups.

    I can be a real jerk, post spoiler on this one and ruin it for everybody, considering my constant despise of John Polson, the 'they-stole-my-story' sour grape factor and me being a miserable little turd, but I won't do that cos like my signature says if you're reading this, you must be bored - and no, I'm not drunk - I'm going insane.

    "The idea was to be a symbol. editman could be anybody, that was the point."

    Trolls destroyed the Forum

    my DVD/blu-ray List

  2. #182
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Hey Im sorry to hear that editman, I know what it feels like. Although I personally did not go insane.
    What did one shepard say to the other shepard?
    Lets get the flock out of here.
    Hope you feel better editman.
    Sgt. Johnny Beaufort: He says, "The Apaches are a great race," sir. "They've never been conquered. But it is not well for a nation to be always at war. The young men die... the women sing sad songs... and the old ones are hungry in the winter."
    Fort Apache

  3. #183
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Constantine 3.5/4

  4. #184
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Star Prairie, Wisconsin

    Thumbs up

    The last movie I saw was Finding Neverland, it was absolutely amazing! Without a doubt this was the best film Johnny Depp has ever done! I mean I love POTC, but this movie gave Johnny a whole new look, he is the best actor of our day! While watching this movie you are either laughing or crying throughout the whole thing! It's a beautiful film and it will touch your heart!
    Best of all this movie brings relationships to a new level. Iwent to go see this movie with my mother and i finally understand some of the pain she felt as a child.
    When my mother was at the age of three her father died, leaving my grandmother with 3 children ages 1,3, & 4. My grandmother remarried to a wounderful man 4 years later. My grandmother was diagnosed with cancer when my mother was 8, she suffered 2 years with this horrible disease and died.
    By seeing this Film I finally had some sense of all the agony my mother, aunt and uncle suffered through the loss of their mother. I feel closer to my mother now. Everyday I pray to the lord asking him to spare all children from this tragic fate, and I thank all who were involved in this movie because of the connection they gave me with mother. It was as though God sent them from heaven to bring all this love to the world, they are angles sent directly from The Lord

  5. #185
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Dallas, TX
    I saw Boogeyman last night. It was quite creepy! I've always wondered what the boogeyman looked like. It helps to see this movie with someone sitting next to ya and holding your hand. Though, I've heard a lot of screaming going on in da theater.. *sighs* kids...

    But last night, of course I got freaked out. I was getting ready to go to bed. And I heard some noise.. sounded like evil laughter. I wasn't wearing my hearing aid and I've been known to imagine sounds when I'm not wearing them. So it could be just my imagination... or could it?? eeeeccckkk!!

    So I went to bed with my light on. I can't sleep with my light on. So I turned it off and kept saying to myself.. I'm not scared I'm not scared I'm not scared. Cuz if you're scared.. the boogeyman comes..

    I give the movie a 3!/5
    "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn."

  6. #186
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Dallas, TX
    Be Cool!!! :big grin: :big grin: :big grin:

    The Rock The Rock The Rock!! Finally saw this movie, which by the way came out on my birthday. Yah uh huh dat's right baby. It was a funny movie. Maybe at the beginning, it seemed like it's gonna be a slow movie. But it's alright.. cuz The Rock is there to entertain ya.

    It was weird seeing him gay and with that hairstyle. BUT!!! he is frickin hot with a sexy smile and he goes topless at the end of the movie! :big grin:

    5/5 I give this movie. And I give all the 5 stars to The Rock...

  7. #187
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Greenfield, IN (near Indianapolis), USA
    We picked up "The Three Musketeers" from the library.

    That would be the Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, and Goofy version.

    It was entertaining. A must for fans of those three characters. Not on my "must have" list, though.
    Laugh at life or life will laugh at you.
    Website | DVD Collection

  8. #188
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Dallas, TX
    I saw Elektra last night. It was actually quite better than what I thought it would be. Jennifer Garner did an outstanding job. Some cool parts I've enjoyed watching. I don't know if I liked it better than Daredevil. I probably liked both the same. Who knows... It's definitely worth seeing for the first time. Haven't decided if I'll buy it or not. The DVD is already coming out in two weeks.

    I give it a 3.5/5 stars...

  9. #189
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Last movie that I saw would've been Constantine. Wasn't expecting a lot going in, but it wasn't terrible. Better than the last two Matrix movies, IMO. Great F/X.

  10. #190
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    I saw Hostage last night.
    There are 2 dumb moments in the last 20 minutes that bothered me, everything else was fine.

  11. #191
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Mel, AU
    Went to see Old Boy last Wednesday. I think this is the first Korean film I've ever seen in theatre, if not the first I've seen EVER.

    I kinda knew the plot (some jerk from another Asian forum spoiled it for everyone). But still when the twist is revealed it is still a whammy and it does make you think for a while afterwards.

    Some interesting visuals too (eg the corridor fight scene in one single ws. Man that's what I call a good fight scene, not like those confusing an-edit-per-half-a-sec chopped-up crap in some Hollywood 'action' flicks like Elektra you don't even know if it's the actors or the editors who are fighting on screen).

    There are a few things that never explained in satisfaction (eg about the ants. Though it's explained but I thought there may be more meaning than as said in the film.) Other that, great film. I can't believe the Jap didn't adapt it first considering it is based on a Japanese comic series.

  12. #192
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Mississauga, ON Canada
    Constantine - 3.5/5

    I wasn't expecting much but ended up really enjoying it.

  13. #193
    Join Date
    May 2002
    United States
    I added some long-postponed reviews to my site... so here they are.

    A very enjoyable film about an imaginative British boy who suddenly comes upon a bag full of money, which he thinks is a miracle. There's a lot of play as to what should be done with the money, and the morals involved. While there's definitely a message in this movie, it never becomes overly preachy or sappy. Both the acting and directing were top-notch, and the ending was a bit overboard for me, but it definitely fit with the imaginative fantasy tone of the rest of the movie. Highly recommended. By the way... this is not a kids movie, it's a family movie. So, do everyone a favor and leave the 6 year old who won't 'get it' anyways at home.
    3.5/4 stars

    Alright, I will admit, even though I knew the movie would probably suck, I put some high expectations on this film. Those were partially shot down, partially not. Let me explain. There's some cool concepts in this movie. The thing I liked about it is that every single concept is fleshed out on screen. That was kind of refreshing, but it's also this movie's downfall, it depends on that too much. Keanu plays dark, depressed Keanu, which is always fine, but I'm sure they could've found someone more appropriate to this role. A fine waste of 2 hours, but they could've done so much more with this movie. Watch it to see post-Matrix Keanu killin' some demons and collecting a check from Warner Bros.
    2/4 stars

    In Good Company
    A cute little movie with an original enough plot and believable characters. It just didn't do it for me. File it with Garden State - you'll probably like it, I didn't... deal with it.
    1.5/4 stars

    Put it in the same category as In Good Company, except it's actually quite enjoyable in addition to the standard heartwarming fare. Sandler does a surprisingly good job, as does the rest of the cast... with Tea Leoni in an unexpected unlikable role. You could do a lot worse, definitely worth a rental.
    2.5/4 stars

    The Aviator
    Ah The Aviator. Where to begin. First of all, I found this movie quite educational. I didn't know very much about Howard Hughes before seeing this... and now I have almost too much information after seeing it. Great, convincing performances all around, and the usual solid direction from Scorsese. It's borderline epic in scale, and it achieves almost everything it sets out to do, I just think it tries to do too much (everything but the kitchen sink). A very good but grossly overrated film due to nothing much else good coming out that season, but still highly recommended.
    3/4 stars

    Garden State
    "Look at me, I'm Natalie Portman and I'm going to act cutesy and quirky and be in that dude from Scrubs' indie movie and everyone's gonna love me even though they all remember me as Queen Amidala in that pathetic excuse for film that Lucas has me in. Oh and even though the movie has no conclusion or forseeable point to exist, everyone will forgive it because it has such a great soundtrack and an unneeded overhappy ending! Yes! I am a true star!"
    Please. Yeah, you'll probably love it like everyone else on the planet. Just know that I hate it.
    1/4 stars

    Blade: Trinity
    It didn't need to get made, but it did. Don't worry, it's not as horrible as some would have you believe... I'm hesitant to say it but Ryan Reynolds pretty much saved this movie, where Wesley Snipes isn't really doing much except kicking some vamp a**. If you liked the previous Blade movies, definitely check it out, it's at least fun and enjoyable.
    2/4 stars

    that's all for now. someone get me into an advance screening of Sin City... NOW!
    Last edited by Shrubz; 03-25-2005 at 04:49 PM.

  14. #194
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Skopje, Macedonia
    I saw The Machinist yesterday and Elektra 15 mins ago. I liked The Machinist a lot (4.5/5). Excellent movie and great job by Christian Bale - he's quickly becoming one of my favourite actors. And what to say about Elektra...I really enjoyed the first 36:17 mins, but after that it was only "kung-fu" and stuff like that. I give it 3/5 only because of Jennifer Garner and Terence Stamp.
    Next on my list are Samhai and Der Untergang (Downfall).
    Last edited by lafce; 03-25-2005 at 08:10 PM.

  15. #195
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Dallas, TX
    Saw Phantom of the Opera again for da third time! And this time I saw it in Grapevine with open caption. It was my first time seeing the movie with captions in a theater, and I'm not counting foreign movies. I understand the movie a lot better now! I love that movie... and I love Phantom


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