King Kong (1976)

My first viewing of this film since I saw it in theaters in Italy in 1976.

I was 11 then and I thought it was an awesome movie.

I still think it's a good movie.

From reading the reviews on the internet about it; people are criticizing the special effects and Jessica Lange's acting.

You know what? Those people are idiots!

The special effects were way ahead of their time in 1976, especially the mechanical effects for King Kong with no computers and no CGI;

Furthermore, this being Lange's very first movie starring role, you can't fault her for trying.

I like to see those critics do a better job.

I still can't believe that's Charles Grodin as the Oil Magnate.

Was he doing Comedy then? You can't even hardly recognize him!!

The only part I don't understand is the ending:

did Jack decided to let Dwan have her 15 min of fame or did he decide right there and then he didn't want her anymore - because of that conversation they had in the New York bar earlier right before King Kong took Dwan again?
