Anonymous (I) (2011)

Interesting movie about William Shakespeare not being the author of his plays, poems and sonnets.

I am not sure how much of it is real and how much of it is fiction and I am by no means, a Shakespeare Thespian but I was enthralled by this movie!

I give this a 4/5

J. Edgar (2011)

Long and overbearing quasi biographical movie of J. Edgar Hoover, the controversial Director who heavy-handedly ran the FBI for 36 years.

Leonardo DiCaprio turns in a surprisingly good performance in the title role and he is supported by a fine cast;

yet this is one time I feel Director Clint Eastwood has missed his mark.

Too many characters come and go never to be seen again and the pacing of the film could had used some polishing and better editing.

I give this a 3/5