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  1. #2521
    j7wild Guest

    Thumbs down

    Kill Me Three Times (2014)

    This Australian movie is like going to a fine dining by reservations weeks in advance only restaurant and you order a $50 entree and when the server brings it to your table, it looks like this:

    Pretty to look at but not even enough to qualify as an appetizer or side dish.

    Your first reaction when you first see it is:

    This is all I get for $50???

    Your last reaction after you finish eating it is:

    I am still not satiated! There is no more?

    I am not sure who the producers and director and writers of this film were trying to emulate:

    Tarantino or the Coen Brothers or Luc Besson?

    This movie is a bunch of glossy saturated color looking set pieces put together to make a whole.


  2. #2522
    j7wild Guest

    Thumbs up

    Antarctica: A Year on Ice (2013)

    I don't think I would be able to make it there at McMurdo Station especially if I was one of the handful out of 1,200 who are chosen to be left behind for the 6 months long winter which includes over 2 months of no sunlight, -40-50 F temperatures, and Category 5 Hurricane winds of 222+ km/hour.

    But it's sure is beautiful and wondrous out there.


  3. #2523
    j7wild Guest

    Thumbs down

    Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation (2015)

    Once again another M: I movie with parts that don't make sense and convenient plot devices including they just happen to get that stuff and this stuff or conveniently has something on hand to get the job done...

    Furthermore when the screenwriters decided to write out the most interesting character in the movie immediately following the opening credit montage, you know this movie is going to suck!


  4. #2524
    j7wild Guest
    Barely Lethal (2015)

    Cute little high school girl movie.


  5. #2525
    j7wild Guest

    Thumbs up

    Pickup on South Street (1953)

    Ah yes... the good old days:

    the bad guys always get what they deserve, the good guys always win, the main hero always gets the girl and rides off into the sunset with her.

    Why can't movies today still be like this?


  6. #2526
    j7wild Guest

    Thumbs down

    Bear Island (1979)

    I remember wanting to see this film at the theater when it came out and I was a kid at the time and I couldn't go without my parents taking me to it.

    Now that I've finally seen it after all these years, I can see I didn't miss much!

    They butchered a great book by Alistair MacLean when they adopted it into this film.

    What a waste of a great cast too: Sutherland, Widmark, Lee, Redgrave, Bridges, Dane.


  7. #2527
    j7wild Guest

    Thumbs up

    Die Hard (1988)

    I have seen this a couple of dozen times in the past 27 years and to this day, this is still the most perfect action film ever made.

    Each repeated viewing is like watching it for the first time again.

    It never gets old and dull and boring and repetitive!

    Very few films since have come close to this masterpiece.

    The only one I can think of off the top of my head is Terminator 2: Judgement Day.

    Even the Die Hard sequels including Die Hard 2 Die Harder couldn't top this first installment in the franchise.

    Actually I call this the perfect Christmas movie and the ONLY movie to watch on Christmas Day.

    Not those wimpy boring over-rated It's A Wonderful Life and A Christmas Carol sissy movies!

    5/5 or 10/10

    Little known Die Hard trivia fact:

    Die Hard was originally a script written for Arnold Schwarzenegger as the sequel to Commando.

  8. #2528
    j7wild Guest
    Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)

    Same old S... just different packaging.

    Over-rated noisy riff-raff designed for one thing: money grabbing!

    Anyone who paid to see this and to see any other Marvel movies before this one and after this one is a sucker and a mindless sheep!

    Glad I get to watch thise trash for free!


  9. #2529
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Michael Bay made "Age of Ultron"

    I can't see through walls, but I can kick your ass.

  10. #2530
    j7wild Guest

    Thumbs up

    Coma (1978)

    Michael Douglas and Tom Selleck must had both been barely 34 in this film.

    This film was also a first for Ed Harris.

    It was his first theatrical movie starring role.

    Also featuring Lois Chiles before she played a Bond girl in Moonraker.


  11. #2531
    j7wild Guest

    Thumbs down

    Watching Planes, Trains & Automobiles (1987) for the first time.

    I am at the Wichita part about 14 min into the movie: Steve Martin has just met John Candy's character Del.

    I would had told Del to F off and leave me alone already.

    He is one of those people with no life, no friends, who is always sticking his nose in everyone's business.

    I have known people like that including a neighbor I had to put up with for 7 months who didn't care what time it was including in the middle of the night, he would come knock on your door at 3 am if he saw your lights were on asking you if you wanted to go to IHOP or Denny's or join him and watch a movie on the VHS.

    He had no friends and he bothered everybody in the apartment complex.

    Then if he knew any of your business: where you worked, how many siblings you had, who were your parents, where you came from and where you went to school at, etc etc, he would share it with everyone in the complex.

    The apartment management company finally had to evict him because of too many tenants complaining about him and a few even filed police reports against him for harassment.

    Planes, Trains & Automobiles (1987)

    I didn't find it a bit funny.

    I found it (John Candy's character) annoying and yes, I am a John Hughes fan being a teenager in the early 80's growing up to his films.

    Last edited by jacques1400; 08-28-2015 at 08:31 PM.

  12. #2532
    j7wild Guest

    Thumbs down

    Jurassic World (2015)

    I said it before when the first Jurassic film came out 22 years ago:

    do not mess with Mother Nature.

    Yet they didn't learn and they still do not learn.

    This is better than the 2nd and 3rd films but not by much.

    It's just more of the same thing from the first film:

    once again, a couple of kids are being chased by dinosaurs just like in the first film.

    This time instead of Sam Neill to save them, you have the guy from NBC Park and Recreation and Richie Cunningham's daughter to keep them from becoming Dino feed.

    If they don't make another Jurassic Park/World film for another next 10 years, it will still be too soon for me.


  13. #2533
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    South Park
    First post here.

    Just watched King of New York earlier today. Love that movie, never gets old. Walken is awesome in almost anything.

  14. #2534
    j7wild Guest

    Thumbs up

    The Island (2005)

    Early Pre-Transformers Michael Bay's masterpiece starring a very stunning 20 years young Scarlett Johansson.

    You can tell from watching this that Michael was destined to do only great movies.


  15. #2535
    j7wild Guest
    The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)

    We humans are doomed aren't we?

    We are either going to cause our own extinction by lobbing nuclear weapons at one another or we are going to p o some peaceful alien race that visits Earth by shooting first and asking question later causing them to 'death star' planet Earth.


    (maybe some day I will break down and watch the Keanu Reeves remake but I doubt I will anytime soon)

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