i started this thread because spy kids 3d opens this week in the usa.
i just wondered if anybody else here is interested to see it. imo the first one sucked really bad and the trailers for the second one were so bad, that i never want to see it, but somehow this 3d thing interests me.
i've only seen some 3d movies in entertainment parks and one at an imax theater, so i wonder how this works in a standard theater. the 3d movie i've seen that would come closest to a real movie is captain eo with michael jackson. it's directed by francis ford coppola and produced by george lucas. it's pretty good considering it played at euro-disney, i'd even buy it on dvd if they would release it someday
usually those glasses they hand out already annoy me after a couple of minutes, so a 90 minutes movie may be very exhausting
has anybody seen the 3d parts of jaws, friday the 13th or nightmare on elm street?