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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    Unhappy What's that movie called???

    Hi there all,

    Wondering if someone can help me pls?

    I was watching a movie the other day that had this killer/serial killer who lured his prey over the internet to his house. Once he got them there, he would sew their mouth together or pierce their bodies all over etc......I only watched about 20mins and unfortuantely didnt get the name of it??? I can't tell you much else except that it isnt a recent/new movie.

    Could anyone out there tell me the name of it pls?????


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    help me find this film

    i need help finding a film i watched in mid/late nineties which came on channel 4 as part of an oriental / foreign film season.

    it came on tv so mustve been a few years old at least. it was a chinese / japanese film, not martial arts, more crime and gangster related. nobody famous of the time.

    there is a scene towards the end maybe a finale in a big shopping centre.

    throughout the film a think there is a woman hostage.

    there is a scene which is outside a courthouse. another scene is a the main gangster in a cell, cops are playing cards i think.

    if you have seen city of god u will know what i mean when i say the film is orangy / yellowish. well this one is blueish.

    sorry but this is all i remember.. pleaase help!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quebec, Canada
    Ok, the movie I'm looking for is not even a good movie, just a very old movie that I want to get out of my head.

    I don't really remember anything, this is like semi-erotic and sort of cop-comedy exploitation style. I think this is the story two female-cops rookies (a brunette? and a blonde more trashy). At one point, they go investigate at a strip club and they have to strip, a brunette is shy at the beginning, the blonde is totally wild, than the brunette go wild too. I think the ones that ask them to dance know that they are cops, but just want to make fun of them. I don't know if I remember right.

    It's from the 80s or the beginning of the 90s.

    At first I thought it was Angel III (because of the blonde/brunette on the cover, but the blonde was just a damsel in distress, not a cop), if this is in the same style, this is not the one.

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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    What's the name of this movie?!

    This has been driving me nuts for several days now!

    Trying to figure out the name of this movie. I believe it's from the 80's, "maybe" early 90's. The premise is that a young, teenage girl who was sent over to America during the WWII returns home to England. She is sent to a boarding school where she does not fit in at all. She sneaks out with a young boy who shows her this old house, that she subsequently starts to paint, stencil, redecorate. When she can no longer stand the torment she faces at the boarding school, she sneaks away to her house while she is sick. Her mother finds her and eventually she is allowed to attend a school with her friends where they can work with their hands, animals, stuff like that.

    I thought it might be a disney movie, but I can not remember to save my life! Any thoughts?

    Thank you!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    What is the movie called?

    I watched a trailer for a movie a while back and really wanted to watch it but forgot what it is called...

    The storyline is based in Australia I believe and it is about a man who goes back to Australia with his one son to take care of his other son after the son's mom dies. Thats about all I can remember other than that it should be a movie released within the last 2 years. I hope someone can help me with this, it's driving me crazy trying to remember the name of the movie.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Danitq2 View Post
    Hi, can anyone help me please? I watched a movie at some time between 2005-2009 and I cannot remember the name.

    At the cinema between 2005-2009
    Had 2 boys dressed in cricket clothes with bat etc
    They terrorised a few houses with the owners in by befriending them first
    They made theirs"new friends" introduce them to other neighbours
    They proceedednto killnthe house owners throughout the film and live in their houses etc
    It was based on a river setting
    One of the boys reminded me of leonardo di caprio
    It could have been set in Canada, if not America
    The film was not that great

    If you have any ideas what film this could be it would be great to hear from you!

    Thanks, Dani ;-)
    Funny Games

    Last edited by jacques1400; 12-16-2019 at 01:22 AM.

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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Help me find this movie please.

    Hello everyone. I have been trying to remember this movie for a very long time and i cannot for the life of me remember what it is called. There is one particular scene i remember.

    There is this barn and in this barn is some type of cage, outside some seeds of some sort are planted and some monsters grown out of them and start to attack some people, one of them runs into the barn to try capture one of the monsters in the cage.

    Now i know that isn't much to go on but heres some more about the movie, i remember it was in black and white, it has the same style of animation as the old sinbad and the seven voyages has, "i believe it was clay stop and shoot animation" it must of been created well in the 60's 70's 80's because i was born in the 80's and i remember it as a young teen.

    Any help would be appreciated, I LOVE the old school animation, like the one with the cyclops fighting the dragon in the cave on sinbads voyage.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Help - what is this movie???

    This has been driving me CRAZY!

    All I can remember about the plot is, it's set in the future. There's a very popular but I believe deadly computer game that everyone (or at least teens/young adults) competes in. There are levels, and not completing a level means you actually die, I think? Or at least there are serious consequences.

    The game may even be a way of life, i.e. in order to pay your rent, you have to win the levels, but for the life of me I can't remember. I don't even know who starred in it.

    Can anyone help???

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Cool Need help about a movie

    Hi all

    Long time ago(in the 80's) after got back from school I watched a horror movie on tv which was about a guy who had his heart stolen and put inside of a box, if I can remember it was a spell and who did that could control his life.
    That heartless guy went to a mansion where he thought he would find that box with his heart, I remember there was a cave, another guy who could turn himself into a monster and a talisman which could keep him away while turnedinto a monster.I remember that heartless guy entered in that cave and found half part of that talisman, he hang it in that cave doors to hold that creature outside while he was searching for that box.It was all about a sacrifice or something, I guess its a british movie.
    I was a kid so I don't remember any actor but it's an old movie with bad quality but it was fun watching it and I'd like to watch it again.The name Scorpion keeps coming to my mind but I found nothing.
    Do any one of you know its name?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    What's that movie called??

    Hii all..
    i saw a movie few years ago..
    in that a mother brings her son to a house...
    actually she's a hooker.. in that house many girls tries to seduce the boy...
    and at last her mother identifies his need and pleases him..
    can you please help me with the name of the movie??

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    @ Treva.. it's not a dream...
    actually it's not a mainstream film..

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Help with Movie Title Please

    Hi, I am looking for the name of a movie. There are a few subplots in it. There is an old guy living in a rooming house with another guy that just got out of jail. They are planning to leave for vegas the next day. The ex convict ends up killing a prostitute and hiding her under the bed. The other guy gets home and is really angry. He hides the body in the basement of the hotel I think in an old refrigerator and then goes back and moves it. In the meantime there is this young 15 year old prostitute with red hair I think and she is recruited by an older prostitute. They go to the hotel and she is supposed to do her first trick. The older woman has a change of heart and doesn't want her to do it. Her pimp beats her up and the girl agrees to do it. There is also this old African American guy that always sits in the lobby watching this little TV that keeps going in and out. They always comment on what a hot day it is. I believe it was on IFC or Sundance? It is filmed very well and I would appreciate any help anyone can provide.
    Last edited by jacques1400; 02-02-2012 at 03:41 PM.

  13. #13
    j7wild Guest
    I just watched this not long ago (maybe 1 year?) and now I can't find it in the Last Movie You Watched thread.

    It's a French movie:

    Husband and Wife go on vacation, they are at a lake, he swims out, she goes back to the cabin to get something and she disappears, presumed dead as a victim of violent foul play.

    A few months/years later, she reappears in his life and it turns into a game of cat and mouse.

    I swear Monica Bellucci was in it but I looked at IMDB and I found this movie but it's not it.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Canadian Prairies
    Quote Originally Posted by j7wild View Post
    I just watched this not long ago (maybe 1 year?) and now I can't find it in the Last Movie You Watched thread.

    It's a French movie:

    Husband and Wife go on vacation, they are at a lake, he swims out, she goes back to the cabin to get something and she disappears, presumed dead as a victim of violent foul play.

    A few months/years later, she reappears in his life and it turns into a game of cat and mouse.

    I swear Monica Bellucci was in it but I looked at IMDB and I found this movie but it's not it.
    Perhaps "Tell No One"?
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  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Hey all,

    Trying to track down the name of a movie I watched a few years ago.

    I missed the first 20 or so minutes of it so never caught its name.

    Pretty well the plot is about a guy who goes back in time and inhabits the body of himself years ago, to stop his brother from going off to the war (as he knows that in the future he gets killed while at war) and to warn his dad about a life threatening illness he has that eventually kills him.

    He has a hard time proving to his family in the past that he hasn't gone completely crazy. He plays a hit song by someone (for the life of me I can't remember who it was by) to his sister, and then she starts crying when she asks when he made up the song, to which he tells her he heard it in the future.

    Does anyone have any idea what this film could be?

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