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  1. #76
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Hey, I watched a trailer late last year and have completely forgot what the name of the movie was called and it is doing my head in..
    I remember there were a group of people (i think 20 or 21?) and they are each given a profession. They must survive in different habitats for a year and only 10 must be living at the end of that year or they all die. Can anyone help me out with that?

  2. #77
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    What was this movie called?! Please help!

    When I was younger (I am now in my 40s), I saw some horror movie that was about a secret cult or demon possession. I believe some guy or detective was investigating this cult. Anyway, I only got to see a few scenes but was totally freaked out and always meant to find and watch that movie again.

    I remember this scene where the guy goes into this room and this demon possessed blond who is dressed in a long red gown or something is hovering up on this wall and talking freaky and she starts spinning slowly while this guy watches in horror. It's like a 60s or 70s movie. It is in color and I am sure it was not colorized. It was kinda like the old vincent price movies, but I am pretty sure he was not in it. It was not a medieval movie, it was modern day (well in the 60s or 70s). Anyway, please help if you can.

  3. #78
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    What is the name of this movie ?

    Long time ago I watched a movie on the TV and I can't remember the name.
    I will write down what I remember from it and if anybody has a clue about the name, actors or anything else that could be in help I will be very thankful.
    So here is the plot that I remember:

    The main character goes for a crazy drunk night with friends and wakes up on a beach.
    The next thing he sees is the body of an young girl lying next to him covered in blood ( later it appears that the girl is alive and the blood is actually ketchup from the nearby fast food restaurant). So the main character is in panic that he maybe the killer but he can't remember anything from the past night because of the alcohol he drank.The next thing I remember is that a homeless man appears and tell him that he saw him killing the girl and he could help him cover the killing and "take care" of the body against money and shelter ... So the main character agrees with the terms and invites him at his place. Very soon the homeless man starts to takeover his life( steals his girlfriend, business contacts and so on...) The main character is not very happy about the intruder in his life but doesn't know how to get rid of him... after all he is witness of a murder scene where he is the killer. Next thing I remember is that he finds out that the girl from the beach is actually alive( not sure if she is in team with the beggar) and he realizes that the "killing" is actually a setup made from the homeless man, the blood is ketchup from the fast food restaurant where the girl is working. So ... the main character decides to expose the homeless man and setups a meeting between him, the homeless man and girl from the beach. After this the two men start a fight were our guy(main char) accidentally hit the girl with glass bottle on the head and kills her.At this moment the terms are like from the beginning - the girl is dead(this time for real), the main character is the murder and the homeless man is the witness and helps him rid of the body.
    Next final scene that I remember is that our guys is sitting on char with a drink in his hand and looks at the homeless man kissing his girlfriend.(after all he steal his life)

    This is all I remember from the movie.

  4. #79
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    I am looking for a title - but it's a movie I've never seen. I have only seen the poster and thought that I would remember and watch it later
    Oh well here goes nothing .... The movie was as far as I know something about a number system for people - the higher the number - the more 'godlike' they were and able to control and bend events. I have searched numerous databases based on the title BEING a number but came up with nothing.
    It's not a movie where someone kills people by numbers or 'The Nines' ... More about this god complex and what to do with the power (I think .... At least that's what I remember about it at the time)

    I hope someone with an extraordinary memory and imagination can help I would say that it's within the past 10 years or so that I've seen the poster. As far as I remember the main character is a man - and I believe in one poster he looks at some kind of glowing line on the sidewalk .... Oh it's been so frustrating not remembering !!

    I hope my slightly weird clues can spark the memory of somebody out there - thanks in advance.

    Mie from Denmark

  5. #80
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Hello , Newbie here , I can't help anyone yet with the movies ,But I have one someone might could help me with . I think it was in the 1980's heck maybe early 90's , The story is about two guys that are searching for something out in the pacific northwest or Montana .

    But what happens might ring a bell for someone . They each have a dream guy #1 dreams about a cowboy ( reminded me of the Marlboro man ) and he assumes the persona of the cowboy , Guy # 2 dreams he is at wounded knee or another Indian ( as in Native American ) battle scene and when he wakes up he becomes as an Indian and they track down some guys .

    Thats it , I remember their was a pretty girl in there too . Anybody familiar with it ?

    Thanks for your time and I will try to help some of the other posters here . Kinda fun .

  6. #81
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Mims1976 View Post

    I am looking for a title - but it's a movie I've never seen. I have only seen the poster and thought that I would remember and watch it later
    Oh well here goes nothing .... The movie was as far as I know something about a number system for people - the higher the number - the more 'godlike' they were and able to control and bend events. I have searched numerous databases based on the title BEING a number but came up with nothing.
    It's not a movie where someone kills people by numbers or 'The Nines' ... More about this god complex and what to do with the power (I think .... At least that's what I remember about it at the time)

    I hope someone with an extraordinary memory and imagination can help I would say that it's within the past 10 years or so that I've seen the poster. As far as I remember the main character is a man - and I believe in one poster he looks at some kind of glowing line on the sidewalk .... Oh it's been so frustrating not remembering !!

    I hope my slightly weird clues can spark the memory of somebody out there - thanks in advance.

    Mie from Denmark
    I am still searching but here's a longshot - - I am number 4 - 2011

  7. #82
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Longcut - thanks for the reply but no that's not the one

  8. #83
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Question What's this movie called?

    A long time ago I watched a movie, but I cannot remember what is was called.

    It was about a woman who started a modelling career; she fell in love with her photographer and married him;
    they also got a daughter.

    One day the daughter finds out that her father is using drugs, but her father tells her to keep it a secret.
    Eventually the mother finds out and they -she and her husband- have a fight which results in her bumping her head against the fireplace, because he pushed her. He runs away and gets hit by a car.

    The daugher ends up in a foster family, but does not like her new home and eventually a very good friend of her mother and his girlfriend take her in. I believe he and his girlfriend worked in a hospital.

    The movie ends with the daughter all grown up and she visits her mothers grave.

    Does anybody recall the title of this movie?

  9. #84
    j7wild Guest
    Looking for a 60's or 70's crime movie.

    At first I thought it was Bullitt but after digging out my DVD copy of Bullitt, it's not it.

    A cop is investigating a criminal kingpin who is holed up in a penthouse apartment.

    The cop uses the apartment in another building across the penthouse to use as his stakeout point.

    The residents of the apartment are 2 gay men who thinks the whole thing is funny and exciting.

    I want to think the cop is played by Eastwood or Bronson or Coburn, one of those 60's/70's tough guy actors.

    There is a shootout in the garage of the penthouse between one of the kingpin's henchman and the Police.

    There is also a woman involved. If I remember correctly, she works for the kingpin and the cop is using her to gain access to the criminal organization and get closer to the kingpin.

    I also am pretty sure the movie is set in San Francisco but it's not a Dirty Harry film.

  10. #85
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    You sure you are not confusing 2 movies?
    Some of your details sound a lot like "The Laughing Policeman".

    I can't see through walls, but I can kick your ass.

  11. #86
    j7wild Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by jacques1400 View Post


    You sure you are not confusing 2 movies?
    Some of your details sound a lot like "The Laughing Policeman".
    I don't think so.

    I never seen The Laughing Policeman by the way.

  12. #87
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    whats the movie called with the kids who are going to a camp and they are at an airport, they get rid of their councilor and sneak onto a private plane which gets hi jacked by a couple, one of the kids starts the plane and accidentally takes off. 2 of the kids names are dabney and cosmo i think.

  13. #88
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Name of that movie???

    I'm trying to think of a movie I saw some time ago in the mid to late 90s. All I can remember is there was a love triangle between a father, son and the father's wife/girlfriend. There was a guest house that either the son or the wife/gf stayed in and at the end I believe the wife/gf gets pushed out of a window....might have been the father. Anyways you see the wife/gf and the son about to get it on in the end.

    Anyone seen this?

  14. #89
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Hi I'm trying to find a movie but I don't know what it's called. I think it was from the 80's.

    All I remember was this mutated guy (I guess he was mutated) he was very strong and in one part he and a bunch of guys were fighting in a video store he holds up a video tape and says "not a bad looking guy" and then he pulls out the tape from the cassette and wraps the guy up with the tape and took another guy's hand and stuck it into a top loading VCR and then turns on the TV, You could see his hand getting closer to a set of rotating gears inside the VCR and then his hand got caught and started getting chewed up and eventually his whole arm was chewed off. Then in another part the mutated guy was running after a school bus. and in another part I think there was an accident with fire and the mutated guy put out the fire by peeing on it.

    That's all I can remember for now if I think of more I'll update this post.

  15. #90
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    May 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by kokutou View Post
    I got memories of these 2 movies that I don't know the names.

    The first one is about zombie(?) I remember there are people trapped in a mansion or something and they are being hunted. They have to apply green glowing thing around door frames to keep these hunters out. I also remember a woman(?) got her leg chopped off. And in the end, (don't know if this is the same movie lol) a woman (possibly black) takes a blood shower and somehow hugged the bad guy and the bad guy died and she went on a bus or something? That's all I can remember

    The second one is probably about ghost. It is set in a big house (if i remember correctly it used to be an old hospital). A girl with a torch light heard noises behind the mirror in the bathroom and she broke it and there is another room behind. It goes all the way down to the basement and the scene swapped from past and present. In the past the basement is white and there are dead bloody bodies hanging down. I remember something about there weren't enough doctors during a war(?) or something like that. At the end of the movie, there is this girl (who went down to the basement first) she somehow got white eyes now and is holding a baby as the other (normal) girl walked passed the door.

    Is the first one: Tales From the Crypt: Demon Knight?

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