From the Darwin Awards.

I should have sent this in ages ago...but have only just discovered you. This story is from my boyfriend who was at the party concerned, and the subsequent visit to the A & E department.(He could provide names, dates, etc, but I'm sure his mate wouldnt want to admit this to anyone).

As his parents were away on holiday at the time (I will call him John) John decided to throw a party for his university mates. After consuming several beers John announced "I wonder if it would get me off if I stuck my Nob in the Video recorder and pressed fast forward...." and promptly did so, despite everyone elses warnings not to....

The house soon emptied of all but his closest friends as his screams filled the air. His penis had indeed gone into the video and he couldnt pull it out. He was taken to Bournemouth Hospital A&E department, where he had to sit, trousers around ankles, video carefully held in place, waiting to be seen by the rather amused nurses. The video had to be carefully unscrewed, where it was discovered Johns foreskin had been wrapped around the recording heads of the machine and stretched quite a long way into the mechanics. The only way to free him was to perform a circumcision there and then. The sheepish John later returned home, and put the video back together, hoping his parents wouldnt notice on their return a few days later. That day arrived, and my boyfriend was asked to go around by John, no doubt looking for a little moral support...when it was announced that they had taken a home video of their holiday and would like to show everyone. The tape was placed into the machine, which of course wouldnt work...but my boyfriend had to make a quick exit when Johns dad exclaimed "well thats the video f**ked then...."
The bleeping was already there.