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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2001

    Served for your country?

    LIke the title suggest, anyone here have served in the military or currently are? Would like to know some experiences ppl have had.. good or bad. Sort of question that might decide my question... should I join? Yeah... always wanted to join and I think the time is right now but would like some insentive.... or insiders goss from you ppl.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    hm, depends on the alternatives you have. what will you do if you don't join?
    somebody told me you have a boyfriend who looks like a girldfriend that i had in february of last year the killers

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    yeah, it depends on the "which part of the army or the military" u want to join.

    here in germany the military service is a must, but most simply do public service or community service to avoid being so far away for so long.

    i had even 2 tests, they called me up twice, once for the exams and the 2nd time for the interview, it seemed i got a low "priority" i think for health reasons and that i wanted to be in the navy, which means i would be stationed north of germany (German Sea), but they never again called me ..hehehe after doin 2 exams they say they dont have slots for me in the navy ( i think also the german gov't has no money for the military these days)

    so if u wanna join the navy for example, these means u will be aways from home for long times, maybe be home only every 2 months.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Here military service was must... until last month, 6 month service or 6 months public service or community service if you had religious or other belief problems with weapons and killing.

    Every year there were more people who wanted to do public service or community service reather than military... so there wasn't enough military...

    one month ago military went 100% professional... now everybody can go in the military if they want for 6 months or more but it's not obligatory any more... and now you get pay and it consider as working time for pension.

    I've just "escaped" obligatory military service... I guess I would be enlisted in year or two...
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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    Originally posted by trailergod

    here in germany the military service is a must, but most simply do public service or community service to avoid being so far away for so long.
    being away from home was not the major reason for me to avoid the army.
    i simply didn't want to take orders for 10 months for no real reason. imo the military service is also almost like a quarantine. also it doesn't teach me anything that i could really use in my later life.
    i think germany should also finally make the army only professional.

    the biggest a**hole from my old grade, who graduated with me last spring, wanted to go to the army for several years, so he could study there.
    after one week in the army he wanted to come home and do public services. what a sissy

  6. #6
    ZUBi's Avatar
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    sLOVEnia, (EU)rope
    BuDi already clear about situation in Slovenia...

    I have been on tests or I should rather say in army hospital back in 1989 or 1990. score: 1. incapable ('thanks' to my illness). so I not been send to (EX Yugoslavia) army (they should put me in tank (only people -165cm fits))...

    NEVER like army & NEVER will...

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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    I severd back in 97-98 or was it 96-97... anyhow, its mandatory here.

    Most ppl here look back at the time and remember the good times, but while being there arent so fond of it. In my squad we were only 2 out of 9 who liked it while we were there. And it was the two of us who wanted to be there in the first place, the other 7 was forced but dident really have any intrest in it.
    So if your interestad and motivated I think you'll like it. I would personally love to go back for "repmånad" (its a month you do a few years after your time to repeat the things u learned and so) but they cant afford do send us in for that =(

    I have a few friends who liked it and went on to serve in the swedish UN force. One of them just last week went down there for his third tour (as a soldier). And 2 of my old friends have gone profesional got officer traning, making the military their carrer.

    I could deffinatly consider going on UN missions if I cant find work. Serving in the military is something ive never regretted and as a whole it was a very good experience, even though at 4am when you've been standing still in a foxhole for 2 hours in the rain and cold its not really the best moment of your life.
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  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Dallas, TX
    nope but i had a boyfriend who were in the US Navy. it worked out okay. he called me everyday and we talk online... He had 31 days leave each year. so he would be home for 3 weeks over the christmas and new year holiday. i never know what he goes thru everyday and he said it's top secret.

    When he signed up for the Navy, he told me he wuz stationed where he had to be. He wuz in Arizona for a couple of years then he transferred to Maryland. I think he's now overseas... I'm not sure. He may even be at the war, who knows... I remember him telling me that he wuz looking forward into going to the war or he wish he wuz going to a war. I figured he wuz pretty bored. But he's doing this for a free college education, I believe.

    It's a neat idea but it's scary. So I can't say it's a good idea or not. But the air force will always be a good idea. You should definitely be a pilot. I know I would if I could. Either be a pilot or just work close to the jets and live on aircraft carriers! :big grin:

    we broke up cuz we both cheated on each other,
    then we remained friends,
    and he got mad cuz i cancelled our date to be with a different guy,
    we made plans to be with each other all day when he came home for christmas. well i cancelled (we were just friends and i didn't want to get back together) because i still had feelings for.... Jedi Taz
    haven't talked to him since then.....
    Last edited by radstar; 10-21-2003 at 04:50 PM.
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  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Ottawa, ON, Canada
    I was seriously considering doing military, a lot of my friends have, but I just don't have the upper body strength for it. I can triple the endurance running without much trouble, but my arms are too flabby for me to even get into BT.
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  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    NYC, USA
    US it's 100% voluntary. It's actually not bad since they give you $50000 for college and they pay you while you're there, and you get FREE insurance for life (insurance is really expensive in the US) I won't join since college and med school leave little time for military service If there was some kind of a major war I would definately do anything I can do to help

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