i figure i would be the first to start this thread. i just got out of a screening at the theater. we actually got the movie in a day early, so needless to say, we all watched it.

the movie canisters stated the movie was 2 1/2 hours long, but the actual movie itself is probably only 2 at best. i guess they are counting the trailers, ads and credits in with that total.

i am going to spoil in next few paragraphs just in case...

i first 1 1/2 hours were just awesome. i really can't believe i stated that. i really did like it. the CG was ALOT better than Reloaded. and it didn't focus too much on Neo (in the beginning)...

however, it takes a turn for the worse during the last 30 minutes. as neo approaches the city and the movie shows the love interests, it kind of lost my attention. however, the fight between Smith and Neo wasn't that bad. i just never figured out when Smith learned to fly. all of a sudden, he's flying around with neo in some sort of superhero vs super villian aerial ballet with each enemy throwing atomic powered punchs that would level a city block. but hey, it's a movie. i guess they can do that....

but the real kicker is the ending....now i'm gonna try and not give it away...but i can guarantee some of you, if not most, will walk away and say (outloud) "WTF !!".....

overall :

plot - could be better. left off a few items they bring up in part two that they don't answer.
effects/cg - good. better than pt 2. didn't feel like Final Fantasy.
chartacter development - not needed so much since no one was really introduced in this movie except a few characters and the little explanation was ok. could have explained a few things. like the little girl...

i would give it an 7/10.(C+) better than pt 2 but no where near as good as pt 1.