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  1. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    in a galaxie far far away
    ...still can't belive it.... what a disappointment... the first Matrix was a «what the hell» movie! i was very surprise with it (think i saw it 20 times) love it! the 2th was grrrrreat this one was in my top 3 movies of all time. Everybody know here that i'm a Star Wars super freek and Reloaded was starting to bring it at the same level of SW... BUT #3 took everything down the toilet what a stupid way to end this trilogie!!!!!! everything was there but now... anyway... here is my review of all 3 now

    The Matrix ****/5

    Reloaded *****/5

    Revolution */5

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Oh for crying out loud. Are you prople just determined to be different to me or what?

  3. #18
    Join Date
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    United States
    I have a feeling many people are just not liking it because it's cool to be different once again... I don't know, not accusing anyone here of that but you never know.

    I, as you can already tell, loved it. There really isn't much of a point in me making some large review since I'm not going to 'convince' anyone, so I'll just put what I think in few words.

    I think in this trilogy, each of the movies stand on their own, with different merits to each, and each being a great film. And it also stands together as a trilogy with a wonderful, complex storyline that captivates the viewer, making him or her think extra hard about the meaning of some of it. The Matrix trilogy has a perfect mix of amazing action with a genius storyline, and in my opinion, anyone complaining about the story or action is nitpicking and actually looking for problems with the movies, not just enjoying them for what they are... amazing works of film, which shows us what the true meaning of entertainment is.

    These movies, to me, are American cinema at its peak, and anyone complaining about it has forgotten why they go to the movies.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    in a galaxie far far away
    Originally posted by carl
    Oh for crying out loud. Are you prople just determined to be different to me or what?
    You like the movie Carl??

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Originally posted by Mark Strube
    and anyone complaining about it has forgotten why they go to the movies.
    wow, you really excel at making dumb statments.

    Ever thought that perhaps not everyone likes the same things in a movie?
    "A celibate clergy is an especially good idea, because it tends to suppress any hereditary propensity toward fanaticism." / Carl Sagan

  6. #21
    Join Date
    May 2002
    United States
    Hey, it's my opinion, which I stated... now you're just being offensive. Really really offensive now that I think about it. Geez. This is getting to me. You know, it's things like this that lower the overall level of respect people have for eachother in a forum. Just think about it.

    "These movies, to me, are American cinema at its peak, and anyone complaining about it has forgotten why they go to the movies."

    Offensive? I didn't think so. Insulting? Not as far as I can see.

    "wow, you really excel at making dumb statments."

    Yeah. How about next time you try to be a little more prudent with the word choice?
    Last edited by Shrubz; 11-06-2003 at 12:17 AM.

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Gaumont, I understand you may have something against Mark Strube for his statements, but please, please take these offensive statements elsewhere. After all, this is a friendly forum where everyone has the freedom to express our opinions about movies that we all love (or hate...) and that's what brings us together, not our opinions of other people... Okay... Now let's allow this thread continue on with its purpose...
    "In case I don't see you--good afternoon, good evening and good night." -The Truman Show

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    Chicago Ridge, IL U.S.A
    Quote by Strube:
    "I think in this trilogy, each of the movies stand on their own, with different merits to each, and each being a great film."

    NO, NO, NO. Please, DO NOT call ANY of the Matrix movies films. They are MOVIES! There's a difference between a movie and a film. American Beauty, Forrest Gump, Chicago=Films. Matrix, Bad Boys II, Charlie's Angels=MOVIES.

    To Master:

    Finally, someone has it right. I'm a Star Wars nut as well. I really liked Reloaded. This one was a disaster. I heard people laughing at this movie (myself inlcuded) tonight. The only thing I heard more than laughs were groans. ESPECIALLY the end of the movie. Its not that I don't understand the end of the movie, its just that the ending leaves you 100% EMPTY. Neat fight scenes...whoopity do. I long for more FILMS in trilogy format. Like the Lord of the Rings.

    Overall, I liked the first Matrix. Reloaded was great: Full of story, action that wasn't too long, and not much revealed. Revolutions is a failure. The fights scenes are too long, the plot is lost, and so are our heroes for a good 40 minutes.

    Bottom line: If you like this movie, say "its a movie that I really enjoy". NOT, "This is a great film"......becuase its NOT a film, its a movie, AND this isn't well done by ANY stretch of the imagination. It is possible to enjoy a movie even though its not good. In this case, the latter is true.

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    The ending was whack. . that must mean this movie sucked ***.
    It's a "movie" and not a "film". . that must mean it sucked ***.
    Oh no. They talk about love in a sci-fi movie. . .that movie sucked ***.
    It wasn't as good as the first one. . so it sucked ***.
    A particular scene was too long (oh boohoo). . the movie sucked ***.
    They didn't hold my hand the entire time or tell me in a kindergarten vocabulary what's going on. . .damn this movie really really sucked ***.

    Should I keep going? lol

    Jeez. .people just looooooove to hate on movies. Are you guys all part of some-sort of movie hater club or something? Oh wait. . I get it now. . .I didn't realize that you are all academy award winning directors and screenwriters!. . .my bad.

    Now don't get me wrong. . I'm not saying this was a masterpiece or anything of the sort. . .but come on guys. . .lol

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Well there are tons of reasons this movie sucked but the biggest is the fact that the movie ends with Peace? why would the machines do this? neo is dead and Smith is out of the picture there is nothing stopping em from destroying Zion.... nothing stopping em from taking controle of the Matrix... Dont tell me that the machines have been fighting for 3 movies like mad to win this war and then finaly just say "Well ok we can live together in harmony".... that is just lame and unlogic..... The ending was one of the worst i have ever seen.... and that alone made this a crap movie... but still if this fact isent enough for you there are lots more...


    PS : Et the end the Arkitect is saying that the ppl thant whant to leave the matrix will be aloved to... Hmmm how will this happen? will they ask all 5 billion ppl and then free the ones that dont think they are nuts? what about the fact that they cant free old mindes (morphius said in the original that it was dangerus).... do we just let the old ppl stay in there?
    She's just too pretty for Hollywood. I don't know, put her in a glass box and display her at the Metropolitan Museum of Art or something. - Jake on the topic of Scarlett Johansson.

  11. #26
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Mel, AU
    Saw it this evening. Dare I say I'm The One here who (sorta) agrees with carl.

    Yes it's better than Reloaded, though the original is still the best among the 3 films.

    Still drags on a bit in the first-third of Revolutions, but once the battle comes in the pace picks up. I admire the time and efforts were spent on those busy CG shots (not to say I went crazy about it though.)

    For those who whines about the length of Trinity's death, I don't know about you but it's the death of an important character in the series, with whom your affection grow as the story develops and continues. I didn't see anyone whines about Vader's or Shmi Skywalker's death. It's a bit too long, but I don't think it drags on to an unbearable level.

    The impression I've got about the visual of the final fight is that it reminds me a lot about Jap anime: the Neo-Smith fight looks awfully familiar like a regular over-the-top combat scene in Dragon Ball Z, (even Smith in Revolutions reminds me of the villians in the later part of the Dragon Ball Z series, who have the ability to absorb the opponent and take their skills.)

    While the annihilation of the Smiths looks very much like the apocolypse in The End of Evangelion.

    Hell, even the 'because I chose to' recalls Batman Forever (which is of course, not an anime ).

    I wouldn't go so far to say it's one of the classics (just yet), but it's a decent ending of the trilogy which is better than the second part but not the original film. (And probably the only satisfactory way to end, albeit corny. How else if not peace may I ask? Machines kills everyone? If you do think so, folks, join the freakin' army.

    Machines don't think like humans!

    To be precise, the sly and backstabbing human nature cannot (yet) be found in machines of The Matrix universe. That's why they keep their words.)
    Last edited by editman; 11-06-2003 at 11:36 PM.

    "The idea was to be a symbol. editman could be anybody, that was the point."

    Trolls destroyed the Forum

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  12. #27
    Join Date
    May 2002
    LOL... i was reading thru this thread and find it very funny...

    when Carl hated Matrix 2, everybody loved it , now Carl loves Matrix 3, most dislike it ..... LOL

    anyway for me, i really dont care anymore, i'm not gonna see it

    i read thru some reviews and now know most of the spoilers..

    i'm just gonna wait for the DVD

    ohh pls Mark, Matrix movies are certainly not the PEAK of American Cinema, thats a grave insult to 90 years of cinematic history.

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    I would just for the record like to state that i have always Loved the original Matirx... and always hated the 2end... and now also the 3erd...


  14. #29
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Originally posted by Mark Strube
    I have a feeling many people are just not liking it because it's cool to be different once again... I don't know, not accusing anyone here of that but you never know.
    I disliked Reloaded for the reasons I stated, it was a poor story that required another film to fix it, it was horribly edited, terribly acted, rubishly choreographed and had bad effects. I just usually end up being different, even when I like qa film. Guess I'm just the cool kid.
    The Matrix trilogy has a perfect mix of amazing action with a genius storyline, and in my opinion, anyone complaining about the story or action is nitpicking and actually looking for problems with the movies, not just enjoying them for what they are... amazing works of film, which shows us what the true meaning of entertainment is.
    You don't need to nitpick to find problems in Reloaded. It hits you in the face with them like they're some kind og giant salmon. I really liked Revolutions though, mainly because it didn't pretend to be deep.[/qiuote]
    These movies, to me, are American cinema at its peak, and anyone complaining about it has forgotten why they go to the movies.
    erm, I go to the cinema for an emotional reaction. Occasionally I go to the cinema because I'm bored and know that writinbg a bad review is fun. I remember those reasons when bashing Reloaded.

    Peak of recent American cinema. One Hour Photo, Adaption or About Schmidt. Matrix is faaaaaaaar down in the middle of the mountain.

    @Jedi Master, I'd say 5 stars indicates that I liked it. Stuff pretension, let's get on with a sci fi movie in the style of a classic anime. Matrix was always like anime anyway, it's just Reloaded was the bad, Ninja Scroll, end of the spectrum. YThis is the Akira end.

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    In a movie within the movie

    Angry Views on Matrix Revolutions

    Well, simply:
    It really sucked. The end was awful, but otherwise worth to see. Still the O.K-ness of the other parts of the movie really lost it's point after the one of the most stupidest ends in movie history.

    If you'll have to see it, leave the theatre after two hours and you will be much more happier.

    Other views please.

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