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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Mississauga, ON Canada

    Top 10 Cheesiest Movie Moments

    No. 1 cheesiest movie moment is...
    Leading the pack is the scene from "Independence Day" when the president, played by the very forgettable Bill Pullman says, "We're going to live on! We're going to survive! Today we celebrate our Independence Day!" Empire calls that "a cornball speech that sounds like Shakespeare rewritten by kindergarteners."

    Be prepared to groan and cringe. Here are the other nine cheesy movie moments:
    2. "Top Gun"
    Tom "Maverick" Cruise tells Val "Iceman" Kilmer: "You can be my wingman anytime."

    3. "The Karate Kid"
    In the climax, Ralph Macchio has to face the final bout of a karate tournament with an injured leg. Of course, he wins--with an amazing move.

    4. "Four Weddings and a Funeral"
    At the end of the movie, Andie MacDowell finally gets together with Hugh Grant during a torrential downpour and says, "Is it still raining? I hadn't noticed."

    5. "Pearl Harbor"
    Enraptured Kate Beckinsale reads a love letter while the sun sets on Hawaii.

    6. "Stepmom"
    Cancer-stricken Susan Sarandon leads her kids in a sentimental family sing-along.

    7. "The Postman"
    A blind woman, who worships Kevin Costner as a messiah-like mail carrier, says, "You're a Godsend, a savior." He replies, "No, I'm just the postman."

    8. "An Officer and a Gentleman"
    Richard Gere sweeps Debra Winger off her feet on the factory floor and carries her off to a better life with him.

    9. "Patch Adams"
    Terminally-ill children show up in court to save the career of Patch Adams, played by Robin Williams. Empire gave Williams a special commendation, noting that many of his films are like "being dipped in a churning vat of Camembert."

    10. "Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones"
    Hayden Christensen is lusting for Natalie Portman when he offers this discourse on the sand: "It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere. Not like here. Here everything is soft and smooth."
    You're waiting for a train, a train that will take you far away. You know where you hope this train will take you, but you can't be sure. But it doesn't matter - because we'll be together.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    in a galaxie far far away
    of cours a Star Wars movie in there!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    I'm afraid people do not know what the meaning of the word 'Cheesy' is. Its not really a word that any civial person would use but more so for those slang/uneducated.
    From those moments in the movies, its not 'Cheesiest' but more so poorly written or poorly acted out. That Independence Day speech by the President is very deep from the charactors and really makes me believe "its time to off the aliens". If you want a 'cheesiest' moment from Independence Day, then it goes towards the pilots who are flying. Pilots DO NOT talk or 'chatter' like that in battle. Having a sister thats a pilot, its totally unrealistic or of poor quality. Those moments are just written for a Hollywood effect in a real situation.

    Don't think this word can be used towards what these scenes are actally... stereotypes. The Pearl Harbor scene was beautiful but its a typical scene you would expect in a love story. Have anyone of you sat and watched the sun rise or set like that? It's indeed beautiful.

    I have to agree with one movie on that list thats 'poorly written'. Star Wars: Attack Of The Clones. It need better writting or acted out better. Either way, guys do not talk like that to girls. Natalie Portman is very beautiful but Hayden Christensen is comparing her to sand. Excuse me?
    In that same catagory, I'd place The Matrix Revolution when Trinity is dying. At that moment, I just said quite loud "Hurry up and die", receiving a clap and laughs from the audience not to mention friends. It depends on the acting and written scenes. Not such word and meaning for the word "chessy'

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    Melbourne, Australia

    Episode 2 is there but no Empire Strikes Back?

    I love you!
    I know!

    I'd just as soon kiss a wookie!
    I can arrange that! You could us e agood kiss!"

    Puleeeeze! (still the best star wars movie tho)
    "They took the sky, but we're still flyin..."

    Movieman's Review Page

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    South-West England
    What about Steven Seagal breaking a man's arm and then doing philosophy in On Deadly Ground.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    from that list i would take the postman quote as the ultimate cheesy moment, but i would also add the scene of trinity dying. that was the worst scene in the whole movie, the whole theater laughed at it. it should have been done much better, but with keanu reeves "acting" i guess that was the best they could do.
    somebody told me you have a boyfriend who looks like a girldfriend that i had in february of last year the killers

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    NYC, USA
    Yeah, the whole Matrix Reloaded/Revolutions is full of crap like that

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Iowa City, IA
    Originally posted by Jake
    Yeah, the whole Matrix Reloaded/Revolutions is full of crap like that
    Ugh. I thought that we were done with these arguments...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Iowa City, IA
    Originally posted by Frequency
    In that same catagory, I'd place The Matrix Revolution when Trinity is dying. At that moment, I just said quite loud "Hurry up and die", receiving a clap and laughs from the audience not to mention friends. It depends on the acting and written scenes. Not such word and meaning for the word "chessy'
    You know, not everyone has seen the film yet?!

    I have but the movie is barely a week old and already you are giving away some pretty big points.

    I just hope that you don't do that for other big films that are coming out.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    South-West England
    Yeah! I have to wait for video!
    Similarly, Total Film's 49 Stupidest Moments
    49) On Deadly Ground - Breaks drunk's arm then get philosophical...
    48) The Beach - Turns into a videogame, literally!
    47) X-Men - Do you know when a toad is struck by lightning...
    46) Blair Witch 2 - Owl smashes through window.
    45) The Bourne Identity - Multiple passport state the obvious, but he's still confused...
    44) Star Wars: Episode 2 - R2-D2 flies away...
    43) The Matrix Reloaded - The Architect
    42) End Of Days - 1999 means 666! And, er, 1...
    41) Escape From LA - Lava-surfing with real boards!
    40) Independence Day - Aliens don't have firewalls?
    39) Planet Of The Apes - Monkeys having sex! Monkeys wearing wigs! etc...
    38) Life Of Brian - Tour of space
    37) Showgirls - Monkeys in the changing room...
    36) Superman 3 - Richard Pryor goes a building.
    35) Lost In Space - Gary Oldman turns CGI...
    34) Return Of The Jedi - Ewok weeps for his buddy...
    33) Killing Me Softly - You got back my bag! Let's Marry!
    32) Highlander 2 - And we go back in time for what?
    31) Bram Stoker's Dracula - Ted suddenly slips into Keanu's performance...
    30) Die Another Day - Inventive escape while ice falls into ocean
    29) The Fifth Element - The Diva
    28) A Life Less Ordinary - "Beyond The Sea"
    27) Godzilla - Size matters?
    26) Cape Fear - Unkillable villian!
    25) The Man In The Iron Mask - Guns can't stop The Four Musketeers!
    24) Speed - Bus jump
    23) The Abyss - Save me, aliens! My name is top billing!
    22) The Lost World: Jurrassic Park - Dino defeated by gymnastics
    21) Demon Seed - Unscary baby
    20) Leagal Eagles - The apartment that goes up in one go!
    19) Contact - The aliens are her dad!
    18) Jaws 2 - Yum, yum, helicopter!
    17) Demons - Motorbike in a cinema? Convienent!
    16) Star Trek V - Are you sure that Uhura is that sexy?
    15) The 13th Warrior - I listened, I learned
    14) Titanic - Crap shot!
    13) Alien Resurrection - The Newborn...the anti-climax!
    12) Logan Run - Robot fishman
    11) Pearl Harbour - "You're The Dad!" Josh admitts to Ben. Just before he dies.
    10) The Postman - Gunman tamed by Shakespear's verse
    9) Signs - Aliens defeated by water? Why bother invading a planet that has 80% water!?
    8) Jeepers Creepers - Hit by a car? He's an invinsible monster!
    7) xXx - Escape by tea tray.
    6) The Sweetest Thing - "I'm Too Sexy"
    5) Cliffhanger - Impalment by stalactite.
    4) Hook - It's The Lost Kids! Run!
    3) Adaptation - John Laroche raises his rifle..Aaahhh! Crocodile!
    2) Enigma - The world's most boring car chase
    1) Point Break - Fight for the parachute! Homoerotically!

    Heh, heh.
    Last edited by I Got Trailers; 11-12-2003 at 12:43 PM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2002
    42) End Of Days - 1999 means 666! And, er, 1...


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    23) The Abyss - Save me, aliens! My name is top billing!

    OMG!!! you did not just make fun of THE ABYSS ?!?! w00t!

    Well it could be my english but i have seen The Abyss more then 30 times (DC and Theatrical) and i have no idear what the point of this joke is? would anybody plz tell me the point? thanks

    She's just too pretty for Hollywood. I don't know, put her in a glass box and display her at the Metropolitan Museum of Art or something. - Jake on the topic of Scarlett Johansson.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    South-West England
    It's the scene where Ed Harriscomes into contact with jellyfish, but then the aliens push him to the surface because he's a big name star.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    I can only remember one cheesy moment in "The Mummy Returns" which looked so ridiculous I couldn't keep from laughing. When O'Connel and Himoteph are in the temple with the Scorpion King, and then O'Connel spears the Scorpion King. In that very same scene Himoteph runs in out of nowhere in the corner of the screen, gets on knees very tediously, raises his arms, and says "NOOOOOOOO!".

    ...Oh there was that moment in "Freddy Got Fingered" with the cheese and the cheese sandwiches. That was pretty......cheesy.

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