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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    Michael Moore Hates America!

    have any of you guys heard about this documentary?

    Contrary to its title, Michael Moore Hates America isn’t a hatchet job on the filmmaker. It’s a journey across the nation where we meet celebrities, scholars and average folks alike, and we find out whether the American Dream is still alive! In the process, we’ll look at Michael Moore’s claims about the country, its people, and our way of life.

    Well I for one am looking forward to this movie because it's a provocative rebuttal to one of Moore's biggest rants: that ordinary Americans are victimized on countless levels by an uncaring, unintelligent government and that America, as we know it, is hopeless.

    Many of the people the director, Mike Wilson, interviews are: David Horowitz, a former liberal activist who's now squarely for the other side; as well as Senator Norm Coleman, former college football star and congressman J.C. Watts, and Penn Jillette, the often misunderstood magician, comedian, and talkative half of Penn & Teller. He also talks to many ordinary Americans on either side of the question.

    One of the parts i'm most interested in is, with the permission of the NRA, Mike Wilson has collected the exact same footage used by Michael Moore during the filming of the Columbine/NRA meeting scenes in Bowling for Columbine. Wilson will then recut the footage, this time designed to present the events closer to how they actually occured. the intention is not what you may think-not to prove that Heston is innocent, but rather that Heston is neither-he is simply a pawn, a device, used by Moore that can easily be shaped to advnce any idea, much like his buddy Larry Stecco in Roger&Me.

    By exposing Moore's methods as fallacies passing for facts, and proving, despite what Moore needs us to believe, that America is still full of intelligent, hard-working people who care about things beyond their own self intrest, Wilson is offering an alternative vision of American possibility-and filling a gap that sorely needs to be filled.

    The film seems to be a true documentary, unlike Moore's Farenheit 9/11 in which his whole thrust of the film was completely disproven by the 9/11 commision, but we won't know until the films final release.

    oh and there are two previews on the movie website.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Yes I've heard about it. I'll download it and watch, but I doubt I'll be entertained.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Mel, AU

    "The idea was to be a symbol. editman could be anybody, that was the point."

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