"There's a reason why Bryan Singer is an A-list director who gets paid the big bucks and it's not because he's made two extremely successful commercial films and critically successful films before those (well, that's part of the reason). The reason is that he seems completely unfazed by the enormous amounts of pressure he's facing from every single person on the planet about SUPERMAN RETURNS. Fans may be a little lenient since he delivered on X-MEN 1 and 2 but if SUPERMAN has even one single mistake, people will eat him alive. Literally. They will hire cannibals to hunt him down and chew his arm off! Despite the prospect of simmering on a grill for hungry cannibals, he seems to maybe even relish the challenge and from everything we've seen so far, he may just deliver. And if he doesn't, well, you know…"

I personally will not hire cannibals to do this I'll handle this myself!
I remember saying that if Singer scews this up his head will be mine
*sits in a corner and mumble craziness while sharping the rather large cleaver*