Brian Geraghty, Kel O’Neill, Marguerite Moreau, Jeanette Brox,
Jenna Gavigan, Kathryn Aselton, Lucas CorVatta, Jamie Haqqani,
Allison Hensel, Tracey Horsley, Danielle Lozeau, Emelie O'Hara,
Lauren Petzke.

The Film

In an effort to promote his unpublished novel, Davy Mitchell sets out on a road trip with his younger brother. However, the idealism of being on the road wears off and it quickly proves to be a lonely and unfulfilling experience for Davy. One night in a motel room he gets a random phone call from a mysterious woman named Nicole. They start a funny and intimate long distance relationship that leaves Davy happier than he has been in years. Hoping there is more to the relationship then a voice and a phone bill, Davy decides he wants to meet Nicole. Ultimately, he will have to face not only the truth about their relationship but also about himself.

The Official Site

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QT Domestic Trailer 960X528 (31.6Mb)
QT Domestic Trailer 640X360 (41.4Mb)
QT Domestic Trailer 608X334 (15.8Mb)
FLV Domestic Trailer 640X360 (15.7Mb)

** Additional QT Encodes also Available HERE at Apple Including HD, no Direct Links.