Being John Malkovich (1999)

John Cusack ....
Cameron Diaz ....
John Malkovich ....

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damn, finally saw this movie, after waiting for so long. DVD is a blind buy and I asked around (here at ML) if this movie is good and I only got negative reponses.

Well, IMO this movie is not crap, its one of the most original comedy/fantasy movie I have seen. It deals with a very philosophical subject matter, about having control of one self and self existence.

On the lighter side it deals with human relationships and infidelity. What really intrigued me about this movie is the metaphysical aspect of it. Are we really who we think we are? Do you think someone else is actually controlling us? So many movies deal with this theme, but Being John Malkovich executed it in a very different and original way. I highly recommend this movie; it is hilarious yet very intriguing. It not maybe a movie for all, but it surely makes us think