Originally posted by Jake
Everyone spams from time to time just don't make a big thing out of it.
You're missing the point, Jake.

It is not about spamming. It's about spamming 1100 posts in 3 months.

It is about what the purpose of doing so is.

And more importantly, it is about what benefit (if any!) it brings to this Forum. Would it make the other discussions more valuable? I don't think so.

It's not a healthy practice. If one has a lot of trashes to spit out, he should do so with his/her real friends in the real world, or do it thru the appropriate channels.

Swamping the threads with pointless replies is in no way appropriate.

Besides no one is telling IGT to get out. He said himself he might be leaving (which I doubt he'll actually do so). No one forces him to do such and such things.

Relatively, he can't force people to like him or do such and such things.