There was a feature in this months Empire magazine about banned movies. It got me wondering, what movies are banned in your country?

Here is a list of banned movies on Australia.

  • Baise-Moi - Banned due to heavy rape, sex and violence
  • The Beyond - Banned for Heavy violence
  • Bad Taste - Only the uncut is banned, only cut version is allowd.
  • The Burning - Banned for Violence
  • Cannibal Apocalypse - Uncut version banned only
  • Cannibal Ferox - Banned totally
  • Cannibal Holocaust - Banned. If you bring a copy from overseas, customs WILL confiscate it.
  • Contamination - Ban has been lifted, but still not released.
  • Deep River Savages - Banned for animal cruelty.
  • Ken Park - Banned for real sex, incest, and much much more
  • Man Bites Dog - Uncut version banned. Rape scene removed for release.
  • Rape Squad - Banned, Title says it all
  • Faces of Death - Banned for animal cruelty
  • Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer - Uncut banned for incest and dead person rape. Cut version not banned.
  • The Hills Have Eyes - Cut for release, Uncut Banned.
  • I Spit on You Grave - Uncut Banned for rape. Eight mins cut for release.
  • Salo: 120 Days of Sodom - Banned for rape, poo eating and more!
  • The Last House on the Left - Banned in Australia, but I smuggled in the Uncut DVD.
  • Pink Flamingos - Banned for ages, but released in heavily cut form.
  • Snuff - Cut for torture.
  • SS Experiment Love Camp - Banned all over the world it seems.
  • Zombie Flesh-Eaters - Released in cut version 2 years ago.

It's looking like Irreversible may be banned soon cos everyone wants to. Better go see it Aussies before it does.

Funny how we ban all these yet we have uncut versions of movies such as Spun, Rules of Attraction and American Psycho.