Sure, it looks like a Knock-off of SPY KIDS, but Shark Boy is likely to do big
business through the summer, because kids are hipper to change than adults.
Millions saw "Polar Express" in polarized 3D IMAX, a few months back...and
the kids ate up the effect. They want to see visual innovation and progress
in their films as well as video games. 3D is like sex to pre-pubescent kids.
I expect "Sharkboy" to reach the $100 mil mark in theaters. Most people
don't know that "Polar Express" did 15 times as much business on the 3D
screen as on the 2D screens per theater. Did you know that Shrek 2,
could have been rendered to 3D for less than 1 million bucks? Did you know
that any CGI animation can be put out in 3D for the same million in extra cost?
A live action feature can be shot in 3D for perhaps and extra 3 million, incl.
a lot of 3D CGI. There is a lot of talk about needing digital projection to do 3D
(at $100,000+ per 2K prjector) but in fact there is a purely mechanical kit
that modifies 35mm projectors to have a taller frame (6 perfs) this allows
much brighter and sharper 3D on a regular 35mm cine projector. This
can use either polarized or color filtered (Anachrome type) 3D. This is
better than the crude 3D process used with SPY KIDS, in that the color is much better and the cheapy paper glasses are replaced with spiffy plastic
ones like colored sunglasses. a few hundred thousand of the glasses are
going to be offered in theaters running "Shark Boy", as an upsale from the
free paper glasses. Robert Rodriguez is giving out 10 cent glasses, where
he could have pushed the better plastic least some of the
theater companies see the advantage of better color and clarity. This is only
the begining...people like James Cameron, Robert Zemiekes, and Peter
Jackson are likely to release 3D major projects within the next 18 months.
Even George Lucas plans to start releasing the 6 "Starwars" features in
a new conversion to 3D...So, if you like the idea of 3D for film, games, and
HD home viewing hope that "Shark Boy" makes a convince the money poeple in Hollywood to greenlight the coming 3D boom.