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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Cool Happy May Day (May 1st) - How are you going to celebrate international protest day?

    May 1st occurs only once a year! How are you going to celebrate?

    By throwing a big party for all your friends?

    By dressing up?

    By holding a parade?

    By sing songs around a campfire?

    Or just watch the fireworks?
    Our greatest accomplishments cannot be behind us, because our destiny lies above us. - Matthew Mcconaughey - Interstellar

  2. #2
    j7wild Guest
    I think the U.S. Government should use this opportunity to round them up (the ones in the protest who cannot produce a valid Green Card, Permanent Residency Card, Naturalization Certificate) and send them back to where they come from.

    I am getting tired of these illegal aliens talking about their rights; if you are here illegally, you have no rights.

    My family and I came to the U.S. in 1977 from Italy; my father had to work menial jobs for 12 years before we were able to get our citizenship legally.

    The reason he had to work those jobs is the law required him to have an employer sponsor before we could qualify for citizenship.

    At any time we could had been deported back to Italy.

    These illegal aliens (Mexicans and Latin) are not the only one who are doing the hard work here (construction, food processing, factory, etc) and they act like this country owes them.

    Most of them have been here for years ILLEGALLY yet they don't want to learn to speak English.

    You have driver's license forms, gun purchase forms and other government forms in Spanish now. I used to be an apartment complex manager and Mexicans and Latin customers would come in and first thing out of their mouth is whether we had any leasing agents that spoke Spanish.

    If we didn't some of them would either get upset of leave. Hello, in this country we speak English.

    I have been here 29 years and I have yet to see one single form written in Italian; my good friend who is Chinese is still waiting to see government forms written in Chinese-Mandarin.

    The way I see it if you are here illegally, regardless of how long you have been here, you are still bound by the laws of this country to be deported.

    Oh and taxes? They don't pay any taxes and even the ones who are here LEGALLY, most of them don't or pay little because they sent most of their income back to their countries instead of spending it here.

    And when they spend the money here, they go to Hispanic owned businesses.

    The only money they keep is for basic necessities like housing and food; ever see 6 Mexicans crammed up in a one bedroom apartment to save money so they can send it back to Mexico? I have!! It's common practice among them.

    Yet, by not contributing their fair share of taxes, they are the largest recipient of Government Aid (Food Stamps, WomenInfantChildren, Welfare) and they use fake documents to get it.


    About 10 years ago, I was unemployed and I went to apply for government aid.

    Me, a U.S. Citizen who has worked in this country and paid taxes since I was 15; guess how much they gave me? $20 a month for food stamps yet the Mexicans were getting a ton of money.

    I have a friend who is a manager at Kroger and he says he sees them all the time, at the beginning of the month, with $600 to $800 worth of food stamps buying the best steaks and whole slabs of ribs.

    Then they have a brand new car sitting outside!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    San Juan, PR
    That's funny. I lived in an island that has a commonwealth government with the US. It's a kind of complicated situation, for example we are US citizens, but we have our own flag and our national language is Spanish. And even that we are using the same immigration laws as the Continental US, the INS here is tougher than in the States, we have illegal immigrants every day and if they don't die on the sea INS turned them back to their original countries almost the same day the captured them without any chance or possibility for a green card. I know that is harder to control the border between Mexico and the US, but if we have the same law, same Federal Agency why they handle it softer in the States than here?

    Why don't we just finish the job by flushing our brains down the toilet?

    My DVD Collection

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    NYC, USA
    j7wild I share your pain, but I'm a racist fascist scumbag here in "The People's America aka New York" so it's not like anyone here would agree with me.

    I am too intelligent to simply blame everything on immigrants as the Times likes to say about me. First of all there are obviously good immigrants, about 5% of them. Every first generation in America works their *** off in some piece of **** job so that their kids can have a better life. My family has never RECEIVED anything from the US, we EARNED it, and even now working two jobs and studying in college I have to give away part of my income while receiving no money from these so called "social programs"

    The main problem for me lies in the fact that there are 3 types of immigrants (besides good and bad) there are:

    -those who want to be American
    -those who want to exploit America
    -those who want to come here in the 8th month of pregnancy to give birth to some little scumbag who will all his life claim "rights" in this country

    If you come here and pay taxes, don't brake the law, and actually EARN something here then fine, we're all immigrants but DO NOT come to MY country and say Egypt is better. Sometimes I really wish Bush could just become a dictator.

  5. #5
    j7wild Guest
    I agree with you there, Jake:

    the ones who come here and give birth are the ones who p*iss me off the most!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2002
    the plywood state
    im protesting that we dont see enogh corsets !! we need more corsets !!
    "I hate to advocate weird chemicals, alcohol, violence or insanity to anyone …
    but they've always worked for me,"

    Hunter S.Thompson

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    United States
    Quote Originally Posted by red bear
    im protesting that we dont see enogh corsets !! we need more corsets !!
    Right on Brother! Damn the man.

    "Suddenly I heard a tapping, as of someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door. You heard me rapping, Right?"



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