I think horror movies nowadays are more gory than scary; seeing someone running around with a limb missing and blood and guts spewing everywhere doesn't scare me - it's not scary, it's gross.

Then the typical hollywood scary cliches: a cat jumping out from nowhere in the dark, a door creaking and shutting unexpectedly, someone appearing out of nowhere behind the character and they weren't there a few frame before - these things been done so many times it's not scary to me anymore, the audience should expect this in a horror movie and they should be numb and desensitized from seeing it before.

The last true master of Horror is still Alfred Hitchcock: his movies contains little or no blood and goryness yet he manages to create a scare tension that will keep the viewer on the edge of his seat.

The Exorcist, Alien, John Carpenter's The Thing; those movies scared me but keep in mind that I was a kid when I saw them.

What movie have I seen as an adult in the last few years that scared me?

The Descent and Silent Hill had a couple of good part that startled me but not enough to keep me scared and apprehensive through the whole film.

Hostel, The Hills Have Eyes, High Tension, Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake, recent Dawn of the Dead movies, etc they managed to make me laugh than scare me.