Quote Originally Posted by ClaytonMG View Post
Could someone explain to me why this is a bad teaser? Did it not get you interested in seeing the movie? Did it not let people know that there's a 3rd Batman movie coming out? What exactly were you expecting to see in this teaser? Do you guys remember the teaser from The Dark Knight?
I'm a big Batman-Fan and I don't need a teaser or trailer to the see the movie next year. But I must agree to chronophasia, this preview-teaser doesn't thrilled me.

The preview-teaser to "The Dark Knight" with Batman-logo, the Joker voice-over and the flying cards, that was great. You haven't see one shot from the movie, but it built up a nice anticipation.

The preview-teaser to "The Dark Knight rises" is a normal teaser and for me not well working teaser. Somehow the wrong building and cutting.