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  1. #1
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    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Cool Prometheus (2012)

    New Ridley Scott film - Scifi epic

    Official Synopsis from FOX

    Visionary filmmaker Ridley Scott returns to the genre he helped define, creating an original science fiction epic set in the most dangerous corners of the universe. The film takes a team of scientists and explorers on a thrilling journey that will test their physical and mental limits and strand them on a distant world, where they will discover the answers to our most profound questions and to life's ultimate mystery.
    Release Date: July 8th 2012
    Our greatest accomplishments cannot be behind us, because our destiny lies above us. - Matthew Mcconaughey - Interstellar

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    This official synopsis is nothing. This fits on 90% of all sci-fi-films.

    And it also fits very well to these allegedly false summary.

  3. #3
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    Las Vegas, Nevada
    Cast Info!

    We don't know much (yet) about Ridley Scott's new sci-fi epic Prometheus, but we do know it has a killer cast that includes Idris Elba, Michael Fassbender, Charlize Theron and Noomi Rapace, the Swedish actress who became an international star as Lisbeth Salander in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

    In a new interview, Rapace took some time to share some details about her character, archeologist Elizabeth Shaw, who she says is "the most complete person I have ever played."

    Speaking to the Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten, Rapace stays away from the plot details of Prometheus, but does say that something happens in the middle of the flick that transforms Shaw from a fragile person into a fighter.

    "I play Elizabeth Shaw, researcher and archaeologist. She's British but was raised in Africa because her father was a missionary. From him she learned to believe in God, and she has a strong inner self.
    She is the most complete person I have ever played. She has an inner light. She's very stubborn and determined.

    She lost her parents when she was a child, so she's been alone from a young age. But she's very intelligent. I know that when one has to survive alone from an early age, one becomes strong.

    But also fragile, because the hurt child within her hasn't been able to evolve in a natural way. You get easily hurt emotionally. She's full of hope, a dreamer, a little naive.

    Halfway through the movie a lot of things happen and she turns into a fighter. Another part of her comes to life."

    What this transformation could be is anybody's guess at this point, but it does draw a parallel between Shaw and Sigourney Weaver's legendary Alien series character Ellen Ripley, who also seemed to become tough as nails out of necessity. While Rapace doesn't say if she'll have her own "Get away from her, you bitch!" moment, she does count Weaver as a major inspiration:

    "There is a relationship there. I saw 'Alien' as a teenager and was blown away. Can it really be like that? She was the first female star. With 'Alien' and 'Thelma and Louise', Ridley has created a lot of hope and dreams."
    (via Comic Book Movie)

  4. #4
    j7wild Guest

    Thumbs up Prometheus (2012)

    Leaked Trailer:

    I hope FOX fixes this before they release it, there is a spelling typo in the end

  5. #5
    j7wild Guest
    • The trailer starts with the 20th Century FOX logo. You hear a transmission. A woman (which I assume to be Rapace) is saying “…got to stop… was wrong.. so wrong…I’m so sorry…”. You can hear the last part very clearly.
    • The first scene shows a spaceship flying towards a planet on the background.
    • Next you see is the surface of a planet and some sort of facility. It kinda looks like a Lunar base to me.
    • You can see the film’s title forming in the background during most of the trailer. Pretty much like in the introductory scene of Alien.
    • Next is the Ampule room. They show it off from all different angles and finally a close up of the ampules. Suddenly you hear a high pitch scream. It’s not human. It sounds like if it was from a facehugger. Then there’s a lot of smoke from what seems to be acid corrosion. They show a guy in a spacesuit. He’s alone. Screaming and putting his hands over his helmet. It looks just like the Kane/derelict scene in Alien.
    • Now they show the same spaceship from earlier. Flying towards what seems to be a different planet in the background.
    • Now they show Vickers running across a hallway.
    • Next seems to me someone in a spacesuit. Driving a futuristic vehicle in some desert like surface. Heading towards some structure or facility in the middle of nowhere at full speed.
    • An impressive shot of the Iceland waterfalls.
    • They seem to be shooting at something or someone but they don’t show it.
    • Next you see is some grey-black serpent like creature. Jumping ala facehugger from some sort of grey-goo cavity. Now they show the whole scene. There’s two guys in their spacesuits. One lying on the ground (it seems to be the impregnated guy from earlier) and another one checking on him. The creature jumps from what seems to be the insides of the previous impregnated guy to the other one.
    • Now they show someone with a expression of pain. The guy is still in his spacesuit and someone appears to be holding him in their arms.
    • Now you can see a device or hologram of some sort. It looks like an atom or a planet. I’m not sure if it’s a planet or just some molecular structure. The center of the hologram is a single sphere so it should be a planet system. Probably the coordinates to some other world.
    • Next is a spaceship being destroyed while in the air.
    • One guy in a spacesuit pouncing at someone else while holding something. It looks like it’s going to hurt.
    • Next is the space jockey room. The center piece of the plate opens up and the space jockey chair rotates out of the ground.
    • Next scene shows off a very inflated belly. Like if the person was pregnant but there’s something bigger than a chestbuster moving inside. Seems to be Rapace’s.
    • Idris Elba yells while aboard of what seems to be the Prometheus.
    • The sandstorm + Rapace spacesuit scene. Close up of Rapace. She gets hit by the storm and she falls down a pit.
    • Now you can clearly read Prometheus. The whole title has formed in the background. They show it for a few seconds.
    • Now a close up of Rapace’s face. She’s in pain with the green lasers scanning her belly.
    • Now the show someone in a spacesuit looking at the derelict in the surface of a planet with clear skies.
    • The words “They went looking”
    • The derelict again. It’s vertical to the ground. It would be impossible to enter it from the same place as in Alien.
    • The words “for earth’s beginning”
    • Still on the same planet. The derelict (or something really big) seems to be falling down from above. The guy in the spacesuit is running away now. Trying not to get crushed.
    • The words “what they found”
    • There show two guys running away now.
    • The words “could be it's the end”
    • They show the same guys again. Running away from what appears to be a huge gigerish structure (it feels like it’s moving but it’s hard to tell). Perhaps the derelict in flight. There’s a lot of smoke. What appears to be debris on fire are falling from above. They keep running away from it.
    • The music reminded me a lot of the one from Inception (the ‘horns sounds’). But mixed with the music from the original trailer for Alien. Same music during all the trailer.

  6. #6
    j7wild Guest
    just finished watching ALIEN

    now that I am older and I understand things more

    I've come to the conclusion the ALIEN just wanted some Sugar

    he killed all the males on the Nostromo because he is not Gay so he had no use for them

    he killed Lambert, the other Female because she was skinny and ugly and whiney and weak;

    after all, all males want a strong female as the Mother of their offsprings and Sigourney was the strongest one

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Paris, France
    I’m just worried about the use of 3D in this film. And this is the first time Ridley Scott uses digital capture, too. I would have preferred that he shoot this one in anamorphic 35mm, like Alien.

  8. #8
    j7wild Guest

    Red face

    I am worried Charlize and Noomi won't take their clothes off!!

    This is their opportunity to show their assets in 3D!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Paris, France
    Quote Originally Posted by j7wild View Post
    just finished watching ALIEN

    now that I am older and I understand things more

    I've come to the conclusion the ALIEN just wanted some Sugar

    he killed all the males on the Nostromo because he is not Gay so he had no use for them

    he killed Lambert, the other Female because she was skinny and ugly and whiney and weak;

    after all, all males want a strong female as the Mother of their offsprings and Sigourney was the strongest one
    It reminds me of the Young Adult poster tagline: “Everyone gets old. Not everyone grows up.”

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Pile-Poil View Post
    It reminds me of the Young Adult poster tagline: “Everyone gets old. Not everyone grows up.”

  11. #11
    j7wild Guest


    Well, it's true!!

    did you notice in ALIEN after LAMBERT (Veronica Cartwright) was killed,

    Ripley found her body hanging with no clothes on and her big toe was bend and crushed?

    Also listen to the 2 distinctive sounds from 1:32 to 1:45

    First you hear Lambert scream a few times,

    next is what sounds like heavy breathing by the alien (starting at 1:39, while it's sexually thrusting),

    one last scream from her, then total silence.

    There was definitely RAPE and it makes sense.

    Keep in mind the ALIEN was 1/2 Human!

    It came from KANE (John Hurt) so it's technically Kane's 1/2 son.

    At the dinner table right before the chestburster scene

    Kane and Parker (Yaphet Kotto) were talking about eating something other than food and they were flirting with LAMBERT.

    KANE: The first thing I'm gonna do when I get back... is to get some decent food

    PARKER: I can dig it, man. I've eaten worse food than this... but then I've tasted better, you know?

    LAMBERT (looking at Parker rather coy): You pound it down like there's no tomorrow.

    PARKER (smirking back at Lambert): I'd rather be eating something else... but right now, I'll stick to food.

    Lambert shaking her head and making a disgusted look.

    KANE: Well, you should know. You know what it's made of.

    PARKER: I don't want to talk about what it's made of. I'm eating this.

    So it's a good possibility that the ALIEN, being Kane's 1/2 son, acted out on KANE's fantasies!!

  12. #12
    j7wild Guest


    Furthermore, the ALIEN creature was done by H.R. Giger, known for very sexual ALIEN paintings, based on his own work in


    Just Google image NECRONOM IV and you will see all the sexual imagery you find.

    His original designs of the ALIEN were rejected by 20th Century Fox for being too blatantly sexual.

    Many of the original ideas behind the Alien had sexual undertones to make it much more unsettling.

    H.R. Giger's original design of the Alien was much more sexual, but after 20th Century Fox objected to them, he altered the design and used his original ideas for the film "Species".

    nevertheless, there is sexual symbolism and sexual overtone throughout the film.

    This was mentioned by Scott in the DVD commentary; the idea of Bestiality and the ALIEN using Humans not just for reproduction, but for sex.

    Alien is a movie with layers and depth. There is definitely sexual themes about a patriarchal society and you could go on and on and on with it.

    I think most of it stemmed from Giger's work, but the film definitely plays on it.

    All of the men are quickly dispatched, the women are toyed with and the creature revels in their fear and anguish.

    All of the sexual imagery.

    The Mother computer module is a womb.

    Ripley has to pull out these 4 long phallic objects when setting the ships self destruct system, then push them all back into place when she tries to cancel it.

    The obvious symbolism of the chestburster, which is basically death by penis.

    The opening in the derelict ship is vaginal.

    Both Ripley and Lambert end up almost naked when the alien attacks them.

    Ash tries to kill Ripley by inserting a phallic object into her mouth while she is surrounded by pornography.

    Ash's blood looks like semen and he spurts it all over the place when he is beaten by another phallic object.

    The facehugger is another rape metaphor: it preys on most Men's homophobic fear of being anally raped.

    The beginning of the movie sees the entire crew being "born" by emerging from their hypersleep chambers, then at the end of the film Ripley returns to the womb by going back into one.

    Ash and Dallas look for the facehugger by probing crevices with phallic objects.

    The flame throwers and cattle prod are more phallic objects of power.

    I could go on and on, its definitely present in the film.

    There's also been talk that Ridley will be using "Prometheus" as an opportunity to finally explore those ideas further.

    It's been said that the new movie will deal with sexuality very directly, and also that the creatures in it will do very perverse things.

    It could be Ridley finally taking his chance to explore all of these unsettling ideas that weren't able to come to fruition in the original ALIEN.

  13. #13
    j7wild Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by jacques1400 View Post

    I know that, and adding mirrors is the way to do it, unfortunately I don't think this one will disappear, I seriously don't think the studios are concerned with it.

    it's gone and I haven't been able to find anymore on YouTube that are not fake or not in SLO-MO!

    I am not uploading it to YouTube.

    I don't trust 20th Century Fox!!

  14. #14
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    Peter Weyland of Weyland Corp. has a few words to say.

    Video is at second link with download links just below the vid.

    Official Bio of Peter Weyland ~

    Sir Peter Weyland was born in Mumbai, India at the turn of the Millennium. The progeny of two brilliant parents; His mother, an Oxford Educated Professor of Comparative Mythology, his father, a self-taught software Engineer, it was clear from an early age that Sir Peter’s capabilities would only be eclipsed by his ambition to realize them. By the age of fourteen, he had already registered a dozen patents in a wide range of fields from biotech to robotics, but it would be his dynamic break-throughs in generating synthetic atmosphere above the polar ice cap that gained him worldwide recognition and spawned an empire.

    In less than a decade, Weyland Corporation became a worldwide leader in emerging technologies and launched the first privatized industrial mission to leave the planet Earth. “There are other worlds than this one,” Sir Peter boldly declared, “And if there is no air to breathe, we will simply have to make it.”

    Peter Weyland has been a magnet for controversy since he announced his intent to build the first convincingly humanoid robotic system by the end of the decade.

    Whether challenging the ethical boundaries of medicine with nanotechnology or going toe to toe with the Vatican itself on the issue of gene-therapy sterilization, Sir Peter prides himself on his motto, “If we can, we must.” After a three year media blackout, Weyland has finally emerged to reveal where he’s heading next. Wherever that may be, we will most certainly want to follow.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    I read about this movie a few weeks ago, seems to be some kind of prequel to Alien, i'm really looking forward to watch it !

    and the speech in the trailer got me even more excited !

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