Lucas noted that he wrote original treatments for 7, 8, and 9, and handed them over to Disney.

Lucas' admission that he has even bothered to write treatments for 7,8, and 9 pays put to the lie that he was never going to make continuation movies.

It also proves that he's a massive sell-out.

In the end he sold out to the very same studio system he claimed to hate and want no part of.

He took the money and....waddled.

Seeing Lucas getting out of the SW business is a day I thought would never come.

Maybe someone is going to come along and make SW films for the kids in all of us, and make a film that appeals to both young and old without insulting the intelligence and without annoying characters like Jar Jar binks!!

Maybe make a film where the director seems to give an actual damn about story continuity and integrity. Gives a damn about acting and storytelling.

Let the directors hype and rumours begin!

I pick Joss Whedon!!

He is the only Director for this job!!


Is John Williams going to compose the music to all 3 films?

It's not Star Wars without John Williams!!

Maybe now we will see the Original Trilogy released on DVD in their original 1977, 1980 and 1983 theatrical cut and screen format without any of the awful changes that Lucas made!!