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  1. #46
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Granite View Post
    Lucas confirms Fisher, Ford, and Hamill in talks for Star Wars return

    When I first read about that, the first thing that came to mind was "Geriatric War", I mean seriously, that was then, this is now.
    I'm no FanBoy, but let's be serious here, I can see cameo's and such, but anything else is utterly ridiculous. Look at Ford with his "Nuke the Fridge" movie, it was actually painful for ME to watch him (And that was 5 years ago!!!), I thought he was going to have a heart attack at any time.
    One must know their limitations, and that's why I respect Clint Eastwood, he played roles which suited his age as he got older, switched to directing, and that was that..... Respect.
    How they will play this, I have no clue, but I don't see the purpose, after all, they only appeared in the first 3, why now??

    I can't see through walls, but I can kick your ass.

  2. #47
    j7wild Guest
    I was watching Star Wars earlier.


    Star Wars!

    NOT Episode IV A New Hope as Crazy Lucas wants you to call it now.

    The original title of it is Star Wars and there was no "Episode IV A New Hope" in the opening crawl when this film was released on May 25th, 1977.

    Anyway, I'd noticed a few things:

    What were all those Imperial Storm Troopers and Officers and NCO doing there?

    Having a parade formation practice or a staff meeting?

    Why would you put the Tractor Beam control over a precipice shaft and the cat walk around it is not even wide enough to stand on?

    How do you do maintenance on that thing?

    Leia runs like a sissy girl for a "Princess"!!

    I will look for more as I go through the other 5 films.

    Aren't y'all just bursting with excitement?

  3. #48
    j7wild Guest


    I still have the JVC T-120 VHS tape of Star Wars, recorded from the broadcast on CBS network TV on February 26th, 1984.

    I wonder if it's the totally untouched Theatrical version.

    I don't think it's a good idea to bring them back even for a cameo.

    38 years is a long time (assuming Star Wars was filmed in 1976 and Episode 7 will be released in 2015 but filmed sometime in 2014):

  4. #49
    j7wild Guest

    Thumbs down

    Watching The Empire Strikes Back.

    Lucas is a damn Liar and Con-Artist.

    When Obi Wan told Yoda "That Boy Is Our Last Hope"

    Yoda replied "No, There is Another!" referring to Leia

    Total BS!

    Obi Wan knew about Leia and Luke from Episode 3 even if the movie hasn't been made;

    BUT according to Lucas he wrote enough material already for 9 movies by the time Star Wars (A New Hope) was made and released!

    Which means Lucas had already knew Leia was Luke's sister when he made The Empire Strikes Back and yet he still filmed that incestuous kissing scene between them.

    What a big insult to the Star Wars fans!

    Remember that quote from The Usual Suspects?

    "The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist. "

    Lucas is the !!

  5. #50
    j7wild Guest
    I just finished The Empire Strikes Back.

    To me now, this is the BEST of all the Star Wars films including the Prequel Trilogy.

    Star Wars is a great film by its own right and it also works as a stand alone film but The Empire Strikes Back tops it.

    I still remember leaving the movie theater mad and disappointed at the same time after watching Empire because we felt the movie ended too soon.

    At the time we didn't know there was a sequel to it in the works.

    Then we heard a sequel was being made and it will be titled "Revenge Of The Jedi" but it will be at least 3 years before we will see it.

    So back then we pretty much all hated The Empire Strikes Back and when Return Of The Jedi came out, I thought Jedi was the best Star Wars film.

    But now after 30 years and several viewing of the original Trilogy and with my comprehension of the Star Wars universe clearer, The Empire Strikes Back is the Best of the both the Original Star Wars Trilogy and the entire Star Wars film franchise.

    I doubt Disney can ever top The Empire Strikes Back and the original Trilogy with whatever plans they have for Episodes 7-9.

  6. #51
    j7wild Guest
    So at the end of Episode 3, Vader and The Emperor were standing on the bridge of the Super Star Destroyer, looking out at the Death Star being constructed in space a short distance away.

    Star Wars happened about 19 years after Episode 3.

    It took them 19 years to build the Death Star?

    If that's the case, only about 1 year passed between Empire and Jedi.

    How was the Empire able to build the second Death Star so quickly?

  7. #52
    Join Date
    May 2002
    the plywood state
    Quote Originally Posted by j7wild View Post
    So at the end of Episode 3, Vader and The Emperor were standing on the bridge of the Super Star Destroyer, looking out at the Death Star being constructed in space a short distance away.

    Star Wars happened about 19 years after Episode 3.

    It took them 19 years to build the Death Star?

    If that's the case, only about 1 year passed between Empire and Jedi.

    How was the Empire able to build the second Death Star so quickly?
    they were being built at the same time. OR the empire put more men into working on it the second time since it took so long the first time.

    and i got the idea that it was more than a year between 5 and 6. at the end of 5, luke was on his way to being a jedi but wasnt one. however, in the beginning of 6 - he pretty much is. i dont think that would have taken only a year to get where he was ....
    "I hate to advocate weird chemicals, alcohol, violence or insanity to anyone …
    but they've always worked for me,"

    Hunter S.Thompson

  8. #53
    j7wild Guest
    I've never seen this before:

    and this:

  9. #54
    Join Date
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    OH wow,those bring back memories. I think I saw them both on TV ages ago.

    They remind me of the Ewok TV movies.

  10. #55
    j7wild Guest
    The attack and destruction of the first Death Star was an inside job.

  11. #56
    j7wild Guest

  12. #57
    j7wild Guest

    Thumbs down

    ...and today Disney pulls the plug on LucasArts (video game publisher), killing all its game projects in progress (like 1313).

    While I admit the last STAR WARS games I enjoyed were from 1990s, it's not cool to see the sudden end of 30-years-old company responsible for such hits as Monkey Island.

    That's a very bad sign.

    Quoting Han Solo: "I Have a bad feeling about this!"

    and me too!

    I have a bad feeling about Star Wars Episode 7-9.

    Lucas might have been an arrogant jerk but compared to him, I don't think Disney has any idea what the Star Wars films are about.

    Episode 7-9 may just well become the most banal and irrelevant sequels ever made with no relation to the Star Wars universe or to any of the Star Wars films and the timeline created by those 6 prequels.

  13. #58
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Darn... Star Trek Into Darkness will be The Empire Strikes Back of JJ's Trek Trilogy.
    And a testing ground for his SW trilogy. It's going to be a love/hate thingy for me to watch ST Into Darkness, as it would be a theme-rehash from Empire SB.

  14. #59
    j7wild Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by robshot View Post
    Darn... Star Trek Into Darkness will be The Empire Strikes Back of JJ's Trek Trilogy.
    And a testing ground for his SW trilogy. It's going to be a love/hate thingy for me to watch ST Into Darkness, as it would be a theme-rehash from Empire SB.
    So in other words:


    unoriginal Abrams Crap!

  15. #60
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    I've invested dollars to EU, or the story AFTER TROTJ. Books, Comics, eBooks... How Anakin Solo died, Jacen Solo gone to the darkside... Tje Yuuzhan Vong war... I would hate it if the ignore EU (sanctioned by Lucas), with all those stories told by dozens of writers. A Trek reboot created two timelines. An SW episode 7 MUST maintain continuity.

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