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  1. #2416
    j7wild Guest
    The Legend of Hercules (2014)

    This movie is definitely a Legend, alright!

    Legendary trashy cheap copycat of Gladiator and 300 and Conan and every cheesy B-Movie 80's Conan knockoffs.

    Predictable, Cliche Ridden, Bad Acting, Poor Dialogue, Sloppy CGI (makes you wonder where the $70 Million budget went) and a very poor casting choice for the lead role, makes you wonder how much deeper into the "Hey! Your Directing career was over a long time ago, give it up gutter" can has-been director Renny Harlin fall.

    Mod Edit: Snipped Prejudicial Comments, Ease up J7.

    Last edited by jacques1400; 04-05-2014 at 11:20 PM.

  2. #2417
    j7wild Guest

    Thumbs down

    Best Night Ever (2013)

    Sometimes I don't even know why I bother!


  3. #2418
    j7wild Guest
    The Raid 2 (2014)

    WOW! Just WOW!

    Have I said WOW! yet?

    This movie was WOW!

    One of the few times the sequel is WOWER than the prequel and the prequel was a WOW! in its own right too!


    6/5 or 11/10

  4. #2419
    j7wild Guest

    Thumbs down Robocop (2014)

    Terrible and Horrible!

    A lot of fancy CGI action doesn't make the movie good.

    I can tell from the trailer they took away all the elements which made the original such a great film.

    They screwed up Total Recall when they rebooted it.

    I knew from the moment a Robocop reboot was announced that they were going to screw it up too.

    The original Robocop and Robocop 2 were a critical satire on society and the human race.

    I don't see anything like that in this trailer.

    Furthermore, the relationship between Murphy and Officer Anne Lewis gave it a human touch and in this reboot, they replaced Anne Lewis with a Man.

    Anne Lewis is now Jack Lewis.

    Mod Edit: Snipped, keep it clean, you are insulting people and groups based on your own conclusions and beliefs.

    I dug out my RoboCop blu-ray last night and watched it.

    You just can't remake this movie to match the original.

    Heck, just looking at the trailer where Murphy is killed by a car bomb instead of being gunned down multiple times in cold blood, that's enough to tell me this remake sucks without even having to see it.

    Plus it will be rated PG-13 and the original was rated R.

    Just like Total Recall was rated R and the remake was rated PG-13.

    You can't remake Paul Verhoeven's R-Rated films to PG-13 content and expect them to have the same intensity and quality and shock value of the original.

    What's next?

    A PG-13 remake of Basic Instinct and Showgirls?
    After watching this last night, everything I said about it above back in September 2013 after seeing the first trailer of it IS true.

    The original was a dark social satire and critique on the 80's, Reaganomics, Corporate America, Social Classes, Law and Order, Crime and Punishment, the Have and Have Not, Materialistic Excess.

    It was what made the original and it's first sequel great.

    The RoboCop plot in it was more like a subplot.

    This movie had nothing of that.

    It's just a CGI ridden movie about a guy who is more machine than man and he can hit every target in a firefight.

    The gun fight scenes involving RoboCop are like an Arcade First Person Shooter video game.

    If you played any FPS games on a computer, game console or a coin arcade game anytime in the past 20 years, you have already seen the gunfight scenes in this movie.

    The writers tried to instill a bit of human touch into the story by creating a subplot between Murphy as Man and Machine and his wife but the character of RoboCop in this remake is so thinly written, you don't really even care that his wife cares about him.

    The character of Samuel L. Jackson as a reality talk show a la TMZ and Infowars is unnecessary and just filler to add running time to the movie.

    Finally, just as I said above back in September, because this remake is rated PG-13 (you can sell more tickets that way by attracting a larger audience age demographic to the movie theater), the entire graphically violent Murphy's transformation from man to RoboCop that shocked audiences in 1987 is completely gone.

    Instead of showing Murphy being ruthlessly gunned down in a bloodily gory scene filled with sarcastic witty commentaries on the part of the criminals shooting him, we get a quick and easy and very sanitary car bomb.

    Where's Paul Verhoeven when you needed him for a remake?

    Unfortunately, as with all inferior remakes of great past films nowadays, the producers left the ending open for another inferior sequel!

    My rating:

    Last edited by jacques1400; 05-02-2014 at 03:45 AM. Reason: Added Title

  5. #2420
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Canadian Prairies
    The Amazing Spider-Man 2

    Well...I try to find enjoyment in most movies I see, but for me this was the worst of all the Spider-man movies.


    I hated the music. Hated it. The music was a complete misfire for me. I think this movie did more things wrong than it did things right.

    And also, what was Sony thinking? The final shot of the movie can be seen in the trailers? Terrible marketing!
    Homer Simpson: "I'm normally not a praying man, but if you're up there, please save me Superman."

  6. #2421
    j7wild Guest
    I didn't care for the Spider Man reboot part 1 when I first saw the trailer.

    When the movie arrived on DVD, I watched about 20-30 min and turned it off.

    Without Raimi and Kirsten and Toby, it was not the same.

    They should never had re-booted the franchise so soon after the last Raimi's Spider Man!

  7. #2422
    j7wild Guest

    Thumbs down

    3 Days to Kill (2014)

    When I saw the trailer back in December, I thought this was going to be a good movie even with its February release date, a date reserved for guaranteed stinkers.

    Talk about a total let down!

    An absurd plot every which way you dissect it, cliched characters you've seen before, wasted opportunities.

    Luc Besson wrote and produced this?

    Oh how far have you fallen down the celluloid creative ladder, Luc!

    You used to make great movies!

    Now you are just another Former Great Director Turned Hollywood Sell-Out!

    Then to get McG, who shouldn't even be allowed to be behind the cameras calling the shots, as a director after he single handedly killed the Terminator film franchise!!

    Finally, even a beautiful, scalding hot Amber Heard couldn't help this movie because her role was very poorly written.

    Her character could had been completely left out and it would not had made a bit of difference.


  8. #2423
    j7wild Guest

    Thumbs down

    Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit (2014)

    It must be easy being a Casting Director nowadays.

    The film calls for a leading man actor that people are familiar with?

    Sure! Easy Enough!

    Let's just pick one of the actors that were in either the J.J. Abrams' Star Trek Franchise, the Twilight Franchise or the Hunger Game Franchise.

    After all, if they cast any actors outside of those franchises, the narrow minded movie goers nowadays wouldn't be able to relate to the title character and enjoy the movie - they will be preoccupied during the entire course of the movie asking themselves:

    "Who is that? I've never seen him before?".

    So it's much better for them to say "Yes! That's the guy from Star Trek, I like him" or " That's the brooding 1000 stares idiot from the Twilight films. This movie is going to be fantastic! I can sit back, relax, and enjoy this!""

    I am aware it's been nearly 20 years since the last Jack Ryan movie with Harrison Ford and this movie is a Jack Ryan origin but surely they could had done better in term of casting for the title role and screenplay.

    At least even Ben Affleck in the Sum Of All Fears is so much better than this Pine guy.

    Yes, there will be a sequel!

    This Pine guy will be doing both Star Trek movies and Jack Ryan movies for a while.

    God saves us all!


  9. #2424
    j7wild Guest

    Thumbs up

    This was one of my favorite movie when I was a kid.

    It's also the only Streisand movie I'd seen from the 60's, 70's, and 80's that I like.

    All of her other movies just scream chick flicks and will make any guy cringe just at the thought of having to sit through any of them.

    The only reasons I had to watch them was because of my dates, along with all those awful Meryl Streep movies I had to endure in the 80's with a date.

    Furthermore, Streisand looks horrible in those other films she was in, getting worse and worse in appearance with each movie.

    She actually does looks cute and normal in this one.

    When wacky co-ed Judy Maxwell (Barbra Streisand, in the Katharine Hepburn part) spies nebbishy musicologist Howard Bannister (Ryan O'Neal in bespectacled Cary Grant mode) in a San Francisco hotel lobby, she decides that Howard and his precious igneous rocks are right up her alley.

    It all leads to the accidental mix up of four identical plaid overnight bags and a series of increasingly wild and wacky situations.



    Barbra Streisand ... Judy Maxwell
    Ryan O'Neal ... Howard Bannister
    Madeline Kahn ... Eunice Burns
    Kenneth Mars ... Hugh Simon
    Austin Pendleton ... Frederick Larrabee
    Michael Murphy ... Mr. Smith

    Director: Peter Bogdanovich

    My Rating: 5 out of 5

  10. #2425
    j7wild Guest

    Thumbs down

    Godzilla (2014)

    It started out well in the first act and then it turned into a standard Hollywood disaster movie.

    After the first act, you'd think you are watching The Day After Tomorrow or 2012.

    Plus the rest of the movie is so disjointed and the main actor just CONVENIENTLY keeps turning up everywhere.


    I didn't know you can put someone on a chopper and he can go from one side of the world to another side of the world in no time.

    Travel time from one place to another is easily 6-12 hours on a 777 or 757 or Airbus and he did it in no time on a chopper.

    Then there is the military subplot.

    Where's the firepower? Where are the Navy and Air Force and Army of the other countries and even of the U.S.?

    One carrier group?

    They (the producer and director and screenwriters) also could had amped up the military action but no, we get a few boots on the grounds with useless assault weapons and the occasional Javelin and LAW.

    Then the few military fire power machines that occasionally show up are not being put to full use.

    At least in the Japanese version of these Godzilla films, the humans in those films brought out everything in their military arsenal.

    Finally, for a movie that's supposedly about Godzilla, not only does Godzilla keeps disappearing, the story has bark and grown and no bite.

    The entire film felt real lackluster and by the final act, not only do you not care anymore or have lost interest, you will be looking at your watch over and over.


    I want to add a sidenote to my review:

    there was a few scenes with Japanese dialogue and they weren't translated with subtitles.

    One of my biggest pet peeves about movies is when there is foreign dialogue and it's not subtitled or translated.

    AS IF those films' producers expect everyone in the audience to speak 2 dozen languages.

  11. #2426
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    I can give you 93M reasons that kind of disagree with your thoughts, and a sequel to boot, but of course everyone is entitled to their opinions, and I can appreciate that.
    Mine is rather simplistic as opposed to yours, if I watch a movie who's main character is some Gigantic Fictional Lizard, fighting other Gigantic Fictional Flying Critters, I don't see why a helicopter cannot fictionally fly across the world in 5 minutes, with limited armed soldiers and firepower fighting them, after all, he's not supposed to die anyway, he's the good guy, and pretty much indestructible.
    Try PBS or the History Channel for features, it might be more in your league.

    I can't see through walls, but I can kick your ass.

  12. #2427
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Canadian Prairies
    I loved Godzilla. I liked the limited screen time of Godzilla throughout the movie because for me it made that last 20 - 25 minutes enthralling and that much more satisfying. This to me was a good example of "less is more". I could say more about what I loved about this movie, but to do so would be too spoiler-filled.

    Godzilla (2014) - 9.5/10

  13. #2428
    j7wild Guest

    Thumbs down

    Non-Stop (2014)

    Non-Stop? Pleeeeaseeeee!!

    20 min into this horrendous B-movie and I already wanted the torture to Stop!

    What an insult to the intelligent members of today's movie audience this movie is!


    7.3 overall average rating on IMDB?

    That tells me how stupid and gullible and easily pleased and shallow most of today's movie audience is!

  14. #2429
    j7wild Guest
    Edge of Tomorrow (2014)

    It started out well.

    Tom Cruise's character kept having Deja Vu moments and with each moment, you will see the nuances from the previous moments.

    Then the pacing of the story changed drastically and the movie got screwed up and by the next Deja Vu moment, it no longer held my attention and I stopped caring.

    Too bad!

    This could had been a great movie but it just couldn't find its identity and footing.

    Furthermore, I know Emily Blunt is British but her English accent kept going in and out throughout the movie.

    One minute she sounds British. Next she sounds American. Next she is back to sounding British again.


  15. #2430
    Join Date
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    Canadian Prairies
    Edge of Tomorrow

    Solid Sci-Fi movie. Tom Cruise was really good in this. I've never been much a fan of Emily Blunt but I liked her in this movie. Movie had me entertained from beginning to end. I had a few nitpick issues with this movie, but not big enough a deal to sway my enjoyment.


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