I can only speak about the Futureshop in my neck of the woods in Canada. I use to buy all my movies there, but have recently had a difficult time finding many movies there that I was interested in. It use to be that there were 8 or 9 rows of movies on display. They slowly cut that back to about 2 or 3 rows. And a lot of the time there were empty spaces in those rows. Futureshop has felt empty for a good while now. And it just wasn't the movie department. Most departments looked smaller than they use to be. Instead of aisles of merchandise they set up tables. These tables took up more space and only had items for display. They must have kept merchandise in the back room and went and got them for customers.

Personally I think the Futureshop brand has been in the decline in recent years and months. My brother went into Futureshop not long ago and there was another customer standing in the same aisle as him. The stranger says to my brother, "Remember when you use to be able to walk into a store and find what you were looking for?"

I do most of my movie shopping on amazon now. I didn't like walking out of these brick and mortar stores empty handed.