The Autopsy of Jane Doe (2016)

The films in the horror genre have become monotonous and tiring of late.

We are usually offered two types of horror films: the R rated ones with a lot of blood and gore which doesn't make it scary, it makes it gross and disgusting;

or the PG-13 ones that can't show too much blood and gore so they will resort to bombarding the audience with jump scares, cheap thrills, and every predictable cliches you can think of borrowed from every other horror film ever made.

Then you have the characters. You will always have a group of superflous paper thin characters in a horror movie which you know right from the beginning they are just there to get slashed, mutilated, beheaded, burned, cut up, sliced up, diced and killed a 1000 different ways.

The Autopsy Of Jane Doe is different. Very little blood and gore. No cliches, no jump scares. Totally unpredictable. Atmospherically scary and tense and it's able to achieve that with only 3 main characters in the film, one of them a corpse.

The story is simple: at a bloody and violent multiple murders crime scene, the police discover the body of a young woman half buried in the basement.

They sent the body to the local funeral home and morgue for the father and son coroner to perform an autopsy on her and find the cause of her death.

That's where the horror begins and to say more will be to give the movie away.

I think the reason this movie works so well is because it's not a cookie cutter Hollywood production.

It's a British production and the director is Norwegian, famous for the 2010 movie horror film Trolljegeren (Trollhunter).

James Wan and James Wong! Are you paying attention? This is how a scary horror movie should be!

By the way, that's a real flesh and blood live actress that plays Jane Doe, not a mannequin, and she does a damn great job playing a corpse.
