Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018)


It was okay but not great.

Some parts of it felt recycled.

A couple of the supporting characters were very poorly written and very annoying.

The trailers themselves were also a bit misleading.

Personally, I think they should had stopped after the 2nd film, the last time a Jurassic Park franchise film was actually directed by Steven Spielberg.

But you know Hollywood: as long as people will pay to see it, they will keep cranking them out no matter how banale and absurd and repetitive each new entry becomes.

So of course there will be a sequel.

It's already has a release date scheduled: June 11th, 2021.

Plus I kept waiting for Hot Redhead Bryce Dallas Howard, Opie Richie Cunningham's daughter, to show some naked boobies.


This is all we got!! A tease!!

The lack of any naked boobies in this movie is very disturbing!

How do they even dare to call this a Summer Popcorn flick?

I can't recommend this!!
